My name is Robert Turay and I was just surfing online and saw the website. It was great to see the old location. I was an MP at Ft. Carson, CO and was one of several of the MPs they recruited for duty at Nakoma, ND. I remember that some of the others that went to ND from Ft. Carson included: SP4s Ed and Davia Bennett, SP4 Dickson and Sgt. Jackey Craig (spelling). I kept in contact with the Bennett's for several years until shortly before Ed passed away. He was a great friend! I was a Sgt. and arrived at the site in Dec 74. I spent most of my time away from the MSR and mostly worked the remote launch sites. I enjoyed just about everyone I worked with there and the community. I was promoted to SSG while assigned there and in Dec 75 I left to go into Military Intelligence as a Counterintelligence (CI) Agent. I worked CI for several years and got out of the Army in May 80 but stayed in the Reserves until I retired in Dec 2003. I continued to work in Military Intelligence and security fields. I worked as a Special Agent and Industrial Security Specialist for DoD, Defense Security Service for several years and then became Head of Security at the Mayo Clinic. From there I was Chief of Security for the NorthAmerican and Allied Van Lines until after 9-11. At that time I was called up from Reserve duty and spent the next year as a CI Agent working with the FBI JTTF. After a year I was back with the government as a Federal Security Director for TSA and after two years I transferred to the Aviation and Missile Command, G-2, at Redstone Arsenal in Feb 05. I retired from my job there in Mar 19. I currently live in Harvest, AL and enjoy being retired.
Bob Turay
Harvest, AL, USA - Friday, November 6, 2020
Hello everyone. Every once in awhile I receive an email from Dave Novak. Just like today, the one about the cookbook from 1974. It brings back the memories of the time my family and I spent at the site.
The early morning bus ride on the shuttle bus, usually driven by Art whose last name escapes me, but he was a local farmer, a friendly guy. Whenever we had to transport a missile section to one of the remote sites for installation, backing up the UTL trailer to the loading dock of the Missile Assembly Building. The cold mornings when we had to clear the ice and snow from around the launch station cell covers. If we had to transport a classified package to one of the remote sites, there was always a Military Police escort that accompanied us. It was a good assignment; I was stationed there for about 2+1/2 years, plus a couple of TDY trips before my permanent assignment. It's been about 44 years now since we left - seems like a lifetime now. It literally was a lifetime - I was in my 30s back then. My thanks to Dave Novak for starting and maintaining this website. What is going to become of it when Dave is no longer able to maintain it? For those that are still with us, I wish for you, "Good health." Let's hope we all get through this pandemic.
Warm regards,
Hugh Murphy

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Friday, May 15, 2020
I have been doing some research about this abandoned base and there are some very interesting topics. A lot of stuff went on there besides rocket technology. But maybe someone can help to have a wider idea. Is it true that they held secret illuminati tests in there?
Alex Rave
Saturday, May 2, 2020
See attached
I did the initial test planning for this radar while working at Bell Laboratories at Whippany NJ as a Western Electric Dept. Chief/Bell Labs Supervisor in the 1967-8 period. This concept drawing was from that period. GE Syracuse was the radar contractor. Prior to that I did similar work 1965-7 for the TACMAR (Kwajelein) which was taken out of the SAFEGUARD deployment in favor of PAR and was the initial radar systems test planner/director for MAR I at WSMR 1962-4. I represented the prime contractor (Western Electric/Bell Labs ) for the whole Safeguard System at Huntsville, AL 1968-9. From 1957-62 I was an engineer on the SAGE System at several locations around the country and at the end of this period, a test director at two, and then senior analyst for a series of complex war games between SAC and ADC during 1961-2.
Webmaster note: This guestbook entry added August 9, 2019. It was submitted July 4, 2017, but unfortunately got lost.
Robert F. Martina
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
I worked at the
TSCS (Madison, NJ) for about 5 years in the
TSCS (CLC) Hardware Engineering and Maintenance Department. I was heavily involved with the RSS (Recording Subsystem) Team. It was probably the most enjoyable years of my career. The work was very challenging but satisfying and it offered a means to enhance ones personal skills! Although I was never at the SRMSC during its construction or operational days, I did get a chance to drive by the PAR and MSR sites a number of years later, when my younger brother was stationed at Grand Folks Air Force Base. Several folks on the roster and names mentioned in some of the Guestbook comments, I had the opportunity to work with when they were at the
TSCS. If I come across something in my meager archives that may be of some interest for the SRMSC Website, I will send them to you.
Frank Samanich
Thursday, July 25, 2019
My name is Chris Luppens and my wife Ann and I both worked for WECo. I laid out the power distribution system for the MSR. Was sent to PAR site in September of 1972 (we got married in June that year) to help in figuring out how to get the fixed length flexible waveguide runs in place under the raised floors, then went to MSR site and lived in one of the duplexes. Ann was secretary for the WECo boss on location, Dancy, and neither of us can remember his first name right now. She was one of very few women with clearance to get into the MSR itself as I recall. We moved to Denver in late 1973 after our phase of installation was complete. Wish we could remember more names! Do remember Major Wagner, who was I believe supply officer for site. We rode motorcycles all around the site and Nekoma. Great web site. This project has a significant place in history well worth remembering.
Chris Luppens
Houston, TX, USA - Sunday, February 17, 2019
Both my grandfather, Beverly Nordon Westfall aka Curly, and my dad, Curtis Westfall, worked at SRMSC for Morrison Knudson, as journeymen, or ironworkers. Curly was a foreman. I'm writing a fiction novel based on my grandfather's life and I have a question. My dad mentioned something about there being bad blood between local workers and the workers (like my grandpa/dad) coming in, because Morrison had underbid the local union/company. There might even have been threats made, and other trouble caused (my grandpa was run off the road), and I was wondering if the labor disputes in 1971, as mentioned
here are what he was talking about. I found information about the other companies who had bid for the job, but I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on specifically what the "labor disputes" were in the link above. Where could I find more information? Thanks for any help!
Rachael Maltbie
Sunday, April 22, 2018
I was stationed there as an MP. I helped open the site and left in Dec 1975. Enclosing three photos:
(1) John getting promoted to SSG by Brigadier General Robert M. Mullens, Dec 9, 1974.
(2) Brigadier General Mullens promoting Bruce Gelinas to SSG, December 9th, 1974.
(3) Newspaper article about the promotions.
John W. Tracey
Thursday, November 15, 2017
I was posted to Cavalier Air Force Station (PARCS) as a Missile Warning Crew Chief from 1987-1992. For single
enlisted personnel it was supposed to be an 18 month assignment. I would get to the end of one tour and something would happen
causing me to extend another year. At the time I held the record for the longest enlisted tour of duty in 10 MWS history. I
loved the people of Mountain and Cavalier ND, I loved the system (well done Army), and I loved the mission. The location,
not so much.
John Salmeier, TSGT, USAF (RET)
Thursday, March 23, 2017
This is a great web site and found it to be quite interesting. Many of the other comments listed sure
did and do bring back memories for me.
Craig Stoa

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Langdon, ND, USA - Tuesday, September 6, 2016
I was stationed in North Dakota in the 1970’s, but never knew about this site. Having stood many weeks of nuclear alert
my interest was peaked by an article about this facility. I was later part of the AWACS/NORAD activites, and trained on the
over-the-horizen NORAD backscatter radar systems I believe this facility represents.
Dave Howell
San Antonio, TX, USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2016
My name is John Goodman. I was at WSMR from August 72-August 74. I was in the SAFSEA company. I was working
for Western Electric on the Safeguard Project Manual Intervention Test Facility before I went into the Army. I did not receive
any advanced training in the Army and was assigned to be a programmer for the Manual Intervention Facility in North Dakota. I
spent two years at White Sands as a programmer. Pretty much a desk job. I made specialist 5th class in 18 months. I was offered
a bonus and commission to stay in and a GIS job, but chose to leave after my 2 years was up. I am interested in finding a
SAFSEA patch. We had two different patches while I was there. Our church has a military color guard and I might participate in
that in the future. I could probably have a patch made from a picture. There should be some patches out there somewhere. The
Sergeant Major who worked with me was Leo J Laney and lived in Organ Mountain. I tried to look him up last summer when we
were in Las Cruces. He was long gone and probably deceased. I do have in my possession an piece of Trinitite from Trinity
Site. It will still set a giger counter off the first scale. White Sands looked much the same as when I was there. My wife's
father was also stationed there at the same time I was. He was a CW4 Harley Gene Winterrowd. I met my wife who was working
at the PX when I was there.
John T. Goodman
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
I worked on the Safeguard project from 1972 to 1974 while at IBM as a programmer. We had a large group
of programmers at Morris Plains, N.J., and did our system testing at the Bell Labs Facility in Madison N.J. I delivered our
deparment's software to the PAR site in 1973 and stayed there to finish the on hardware tests until we turned the software
over to the military in 1974. I was then transferred to the Kennedy Space Center to start work on the Space Shuttle. I enjoyed
my time in North Dakota and the work at the PAR site. I'm glad to see the site still up and functional.
Jim Powers, IBM (retired)
Sunday, September 6, 2015
This is a fascinating part of North Dakota as well as American History! I would love to be able to take some time to visit
and take some pictures of the site. Does anybody know who the contact person would be to allow this to happen? Great site!
Jason Kesselring
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Webmaster note: The MSR and four RSL's were all sold to the highest bidder in 2013
(more info).
The MSR complex is currently owned by the
Spring Creek Hutterite Colony
(new window). No information is available on the new owners of the RSL's.
I was associated with Safeguard in 1971-1973 in Madison, NJ at Bell Labs. I worked for IBM and wrote the
Target Selection code for the MSR. Also, I was a Team Leader at Bell Labs for the both the Process Integration testing and
the Functional Integration testing. I loved the project and am very proud of being associated with it.
Joe Osteen

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Friday, November 28, 2014
Greetings, attached are a couple of items from when I worked at Federal Electric on the MSR.
I ran across them when cleaning a file the other day. They are an
Employee Status Change
for a promotion and a
Letter of Recommendation
from Emanuel "Bud" Newton. Might be of interest and worthy of posting. Thanks.
David McKinney Jr.
Friday, June 27, 2014
I worked on this site as a sheet metal worker. I have some pictures from the inside on A wall.
David McDole
Battle Ground, Indiana, USA - Friday, May 16, 2014
My name is Jack Kelly and I was one of the first MPs into the MSR at Nekoma in July of 74. I arrived on
July 17, on the same flight with Al Hester, Johnny Duncan and Hal Gollos. I found this site recently and it is very nice to sit
and reminisce about one of the best times of my life. I recognized many, many of the names including Hal Gollos, Joe Auchus,
Mark Avery, Rick Heintz, John Armor, Al Hester, and many others. I was stationed at Safeguard from July, 74-June, 76. One
of the first in with Al, Hal, Joe and Rick. The first weekend Al, Hal, Johnny Duncan and I went in Hal’s brand new Chevy
van to the Ft. Totten reservation to “see real Indians”. As racist as that sounds today, we had pure hearts and local
young men took us to a senior living center where we met a 90 year-old Lakota man who told us stories of his father who rode
with Crazy Horse and other Lakota chiefs. We were mesmerized by the elderly man’s stories and we sat on the porch of this
building until the younger men asked us to leave. They were very polite, yet insistent that we never return or we might face
a problem or two. It dawned on us that we were naïve and ignorant of the native people’s ways. I loved my time in North
Dakota and I volunteer taught at St. Alphonsus School during the 75-76 school year and helped the 7th and 8th graders plan,
write and perform their own Christmas Show. I remember sprucing up the park in Langdon and nights at the Country Kitchen
and the Lariat Bar and Grill in Nekoma. I married a woman from North Dakota who worked for Federal Electric at the MSR. We
lived in the trailers at Hillcrest Park which were for overflow housing. My now ex-wife and I were married in the chapel at
the MSR, in November of 74, and all of the MPs present in the first group were guests and we actually left the church through
an honor guard of saluting fellow soldiers. I was an E-4 and made E-5 when I transferred out to Ft. Eustis, Va. in 76. Left
the military in Oct 77 and spent time in law-enforcement in Va. Now a nature columnist/environmental writer/veterans affairs
writer and wildlife photographer with a newspaper in my hometown of Newport, RI. Hoping to reconnect with old friends and
see how they are doing.
Jack Kelly
Newport, RI, USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2013
What an interesting web site. In some ways I was involved in the Safeguard system. But no, I've never been to ND.
I was involved in the analysis of this system. In Huntsville. That was in 1970-71. After that I moved on to other things and although I thought about the work I'd done on it I never followed thru on it. And certainly did not realize the extent in its implementation.
A real surprise. And a pleasant one at that. Anyway, best wishes.
Ralph Bohannon
Friday, August 2, 2013
looking forward to visiting langdon and nekoma next week on our way to canada. going to show my wife where hell actually does freeze over.
ray robinson (MP) second floor roomies with brad paul
Friday, July 12, 2013
In August of '71, I began training (AIT) across the street from the Safeguard training site. The name of the missile training area (back then) was Abernathy Park. I remember seeing the Sprint missiles being loaded into the cells across the street (Jeb Stuart). During my almost five years away (working on HAWK and Hercules missiles) I thought about getting into the Safeguard system. I was too late. By '74, they weren't taking applications, and would soon be history.
Saw the training site again in 2004 while at Ft B for a reunion.
Bob Campbell (ex. SP/5 16D, 16E, 16B)
St. Louis, MO, USA - Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Just found your site. I was a second wave missile tech along with John Tyson, Joe Raeuchle, Rubin Ramon, Jim Wissman and Larry Donnahue. Lived next door to Bill and Judy Parker. Please be advised that Joe Morales is no longer with us. He and Susan were living in Colorado. Plan to make it up there soon.
Richard J Lyness
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I always considered myself part of Cold War history, serving at the Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex as a 95BR3. But I guess I wasn't done with the Cold War. I later served as a Platoon Leader and Staff Officer in a Combat Engineer Battalion in direct support to one of U.S. 7th Corps Cav Squadrons serving as a forward "screen" astride the Hof Gap(lesser known brother of the Fulda Gap)during the early 80's. Just read something absolutely chilling in an anthology entitled, "The Cold War: A Military History." Anybody who served in the FRG in the early 80's remembers "Lariat Advance." US units had two hours to combat load out and get out of their garrison in preparation for "the ballon going up." According to "The Cold War: A Military History", our intel had it all wrong. We trained for and anticipated a massive armor attack through the Fulda Gap and Hof Gap. Recently released intel cited top secret documents from the former USSR that they did not plan a conventional attack, but rather a formulated, controlled 300-400 tactical nuke first strike on NATO command and control, major air bases and storage depots. Their training placed heavy emphasis on Warsaw Pact armor staying buttoned up as they rolled over and through the wreckage and also continuous decon practice. I am so glad that the Cold War never went "hot", aren't you?
Bill Turner

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Friday, October 12, 2012
I was drafted into the US Army in 1971. I served at White Sands Missile Range 1972 – 73. I held a degree in Mathematics and my mos was 01E20 a mathematician's assistant. I served in the Threat Analysis Division of the ABM program at the White Sands headquarters near Las Cruces. I worked with Sylvia Diaz a mathematician. At one time my boss was Stan Tonish. I remember Major Ed Johnston and Major Anderson. Ed Nelson was a civilian that worked in that office. They were a fine group of people who treated me well. It would be neat to have updates on them.
David Sidwell
Friday, April 20, 2012
My name is Don Felten. I was associated with the MSR/Safeguard from 1966 until early 1975. My wife Wanda (Wanner) worked for PanAm at the Safeguard site from 1973 through 1975. I began my association with the MSR as a Raytheon engineer in the Raytheon Wayland Lab transmitter dept. I worked on the MSR transmitter driver stage. I followed the MSR to Meck where I assisted in the installation and check out of the MSR as a transmitter engineer. In July of 1969 I departed Kwaj and returned to Raytheon MA in time for the first moon landing. From August 1969 through the fall of 1972 I was at the Raytheon manufacturing facility, North Dighton MA. At North Dighton, I was the supervisor of the factory test equipment design and manufacturing group for the MSR transmitter and receiver. I also provided technical assistance to the manufacture of the MSR transmitter equipment. This evolved into the responsibility for end item final testing also. In the fall of 1972, I moved to Langdon to act as one of the sensor (MSR radar) liaison personnel to the Corps of Engineers and the building contractors. I became the Raytheon Service Company supervisor and Raytheon lead engineer for the MSR transmitter (I shared this responsibility with Ves Fulp of Western Electric Co.) I departed the MSR/Safeguard in early 1975. I returned to Langdon in December of 1975 to marry Wanda Wanner. Wanda worked for PanAm as a key punch operator in the office building that Raytheon shared. We were married in Langdon, on December 23, 1975. We have been married 37 years and now reside in Alamogordo, NM with our Cat "Com'ere".
I would like to share a few of our photos that might interest other readers:
Raytheon MSR Site Management (Bill Doyle, Ernie Weinberg)
Fishing at Flin Flon, Manitoba (Paul Tudor, Ves Fulp, Don Felten)
MSR tour
MSR tour
MSR tour (Don Felten)
Bob Head's home in Langdon
Fire extinguisher from MSR antenna chamber
Damaged MSR high power waveguide switch
Ice racing on the Red River
MSR transmitter control room (Joe Gaye, John Haley)
MSR transmitter control room
MSR transmitter control room (Paul Palsinski, Paul Tudor, Bob Neighbors)
Don Felten
Alamogordo, NM, USA - Thursday, April 12, 2012
I joined the Sentinel program in 1969 with the HAM Department. I helped develop the missile training program course of instruction. I went to Kwajalein for a year in 1971 and worked with McDonnell Douglas on the Spartan system. After returning to Ft. Bliss, worked on the course for Sprint and Spartan. I taught the Spartan missile assembly portion for both classes of 28Ms. I went to SRMSC to deactivate the site and was a team leader on the removal of the Spartan components. After Safeguard deactivation, I returned to the Nike Hercules system and served a year in Korea and two tours in Germany. My final assignment prior to retiring was with the ABM Combat Developments at Ft. Bliss where I retired as a CW3.
Jim Dixon
Fayetteville, NC, USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I was just looking at the guestbook and wondered where the people are who worked for IBM during the development stages. There seemed to be thousands of them doing all the coding (in machine language) and there seem to be none of them on the site. What is up with that?
George Rasi
Friday, December 16, 2011
I arrived at Safeguard in early 1973 and was one of the last to leave. I was the G4 NCOIC. I managed the Girls Horse Club and worked with Sergeant Pugh and LTC Sivils. My wife managed the Dining Facility.
John Miller
Thursday, October 27, 2011
My name is Bill Gerrells. Sorry I missed the reunion. Just learned of it today in a conversation with another former Western Electric engineer who worked on that project. I worked on the MSR's Command and Control Display Subsystem. I was the engineer who occasionally tinkered with that ink jet printer. Some of my memories include the night a guard accidentally discharged his revolver just outside our secure area, the night we accidentally were elevated to actual battle stations (that one elevated my heart rate), the "honor system" refreshment stand I ran in a closet inside the secure area, the blizzards, a couple of weeks when it was 20 below every night, and several of the guys who made entries in your guest book. Oh, yes, and the parties we had at the Nekoma Bar. I live in Minnesota now and have driven by the MSR site numerous times on my way to Langdon or Rolla. The very last of the base housing units to be trucked-away was the one I lived in before the army took possession of them. It always makes me sad to see what little remains of a six billion dollar project that played a small part in ending the cold war.
Bill Gerrells
Minnesota, USA - Saturday, September 17, 2011
I was stationed at the Safeguard Complex, Nekoma, ND from early 1974 until mid-1976 as a Missile Maintenance Technician. Earlier, I was assigned to SAFSEA at WSMR and Kwajalein, and trained at the Safeguard Training Facility at FT Bliss. Those of us assigned to the Missile Maintenance Section under Maj Joe Morales (not Earl Raymond), along with contractor crews from McDonnell-Douglas and Martin Marietta, installed and checked out all 100 missiles - 30 Spartan missiles and 70 Sprint missiles. I believe it was on the Friday before Superbowl weekend in 1976 that some of us got stranded by a blizzard at Remote Launch Site #4; as I recall, myself, Balonier and Angelo, together with the crew from Martin Marietta were all there together until Sunday. I think the smokers all had a pretty tough time. There was a packed snowdrift about 12 feet high that had drifted right through the vehicle access gate which had to be cleared before we could leave. Six weeks after FOC, we were given orders to remove all missiles and ordnance, and prepare for deactivation. Another relic of the Cold War. My family lived on-site in the housing area, and all of my now grown kids have fond memories of our time there.
Hugh Murphy, CW4 (Ret) USA

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Sunday, July 10, 2011
Hey all. I worked as an MP at all of the RSL's but one; can't remember the numbers, but was there between between Thanksgiving, '74 and July, '76. We had such fine crews. I remember working with SFC Bob Marshall, Danny Swanson, Jim Weir, Makselan, and so many more. I knew Nate Bridges there and at Ft. Campbell. I remember arriving there on the night before Thanksgiving and waking up to a frozen motor; one of three during our two winters there. I recall car-pooling with the guys to work and sliding off the road into a culvert ditch on the way home after shift. I remember trying to start our carry-all without putting in the clutch and jumping the vehicle through the line of formation in front of us. I remember the wonderful native people of Langdon and Nekoma. They really made the visit of southerners so much better than if they had not been there. I still don't like snow and ice, but we did love our time in ND. It's good memories. All of it.
Claude Ratliff

Home Page>
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I worked for Pan Am from 1975 until 1987. I started at the MSR Site (finished at the NavSubaseBangor). I worked general supply and then for the Transportation Dept. In 1976, I took the position of 'Material Coordinator for the Deactivation' of the base under Whitey Hardman. In that position, I often carried my camera. I have over 100 photos that I would like to share. I think I could have gone to jail at the time but I figure it should be safe now.
Jerry Olson

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Monday, May 23, 2011
Ves Fulp sent me the information regarding the MSR / SRMSC Safeguard site. I am sending a few pictures you may wish to include in the section for the transmitter room. I worked for Pan Am in the transmitter room for a period of time. I was what they called a "gal Friday". My father, T. T. Bodenheimer was a WECo middle manager. He and Bill Elrod were very close friends. I married a local boy, (Hiltner), and we lived in Langdon from 1973 through 1980. Thank you for your time and efforts maintaining this website. It has provided many long forgotten memories.
Photo 1:
Bill Elrod and Ves Fulp,
Photo 2:
Joe Gaye,
Photo 3:
Pam Bodenheimer
Pam Bodenheimer Hiltner
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My name is Jim Dockter and I was stationed there from Sep 1974 to Feb 1976. I worked as a GS employee (Communications Clerk, Yellow Team) for the U.S. Army Communications Command. When I arrived in Sep 74, I was provided with the "Welcome to Grand Forks Safeguard Site" welcome package. On occasion, I thumb through the hand book reviewing some of the pictures and information provided to newcomers to the area. Being from ND, I also found the introduction on page 1 of the handbook to be amusing. It stated: "Strangers to North Dakota often make unkind remarks about the climate. Such remarks are 'fighting words' to North Dakotans where long life, sturdy good health, and weather are all linked together." It went on to caution folks who have lived only in temperate or moderate climates to prepare for exhilarating winter weather. It was a great place to work!
Jim Dockter
Saturday, April 16, 2011
My name is Jeannie Berry Edge, daughter of Bob Berry who worked in Pan Am Operations. We lived there from 1972 to 1976. I just found this site and the memories are great! We loved the time spent in ND! I worked at the MSR site for a short time in shipping and receiving - my then husband, Tim Reynolds, worked with my dad. I see so many names here that I have met or I've heard my dad mention with wonderful stores of friendship and camaraderie. My dad died in 1999 and he is greatly missed! I know he would have loved to have been part of the reunion.
Jeannie Berry Edge
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Hello. My name is Pier V. Guidi. I worked on Nike-X and Safeguard for many years (1966 to about 1972) back here in New Jersey as both a Western Electric and Bell Laboratories employee. I unfortunately never made it to North Dakota -- but I did get to Kwajalein for about 6 weeks. My job was in software -- the Central Command and Control (CLC) operating system as well as heading up the team that designed the boot/test software that automatically divided the computer system into the operational and the standby partitions. My group also did the data recording subsystem (remember those super-wide "high speed" tapes?). I wish everyone the best... IT IS REALLY GREAT THAT THIS WEB SITE EXISTS -- maybe I will show up at the next reunion! The best to all!
Pier V. Guidi

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I spent 5 years in North Dakota and a total of 13 years working with Western Electric in North Carolina and Kwajalein (2 years). It was the most pleasurable job of my life.
William L. Collins
North Charleston, SC, USA - Saturday, October 2, 2010
My name is Bob Gamboa. I was part of the original Western Electric team that arrived in North
Dakota in late 1970.
Bob Gamboa

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Las Cruces, NM, USA - Sunday, July 4, 2010
1972-1977 Worked as Equipment Specialist, Tactical Support Equipment, also worked in Systems Installation Quality Assurance, Transportation Office, and SAFLOG during inactivation. Pre-deployment training was at the Safeguard Central Training Facility at Ft. Bliss TX.
Charles Campbell

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Sierra Vista, AZ, USA - Friday, June 4, 2010
I was thrilled to find your site and see some familiar names. I worked civil service as a secretary to Major Warner in the personnel office during the years of 1972-1974. I have many great memories of working there. When the site was closing, I worked with SGT Rounds and did papers for the military guys as they left the base. I was also planning my wedding to Gene Froehlich. We live in SE Minnesota and have 5 children - ages 13 to 29. I'm hoping to attend the reunion this summer and hope that some of my friends will be there!
Vickie (Ingulsrud) Froehlich
SE Minnesota, USA - Thursday, May 13, 2010
I started work for Pan American at the PAR Site in 1972. Some of the people I worked for included Don Gagnon, Ed Weaver, Denis Abbott and other engineers whose names escape me. I couldn't believe I had to wear a hard hat whenever I left my office area! My name was Bev Gutterud. I started in Civil Service in Mar 1974 at the MSR Site as a clerk in the Safety & Security office, working with Virgil Williams, Mike Orn, and John Baily. I then worked for Contract Administration for Lt Col Gary Kline and Maj John Nutt. When the MSR was de-activated, I was RIF'd to the PAR site and worked for Lt Col Dennis Westrup and John Bushaw. I worked for the first Air Force Commander, Lt Col Cecil Charles and DO Beryl Hufford. After a break in civil service (and several moves), I returned to the area and have worked at the PAR Site (when it was Operating Location 24 Air Defense (OLAG 24 ADS), Concrete Missile Early Warning Station (CMEWS), and Cavalier Air Force Station (CAFS). I am now the site Budget Analyst and Military Family Housing Quality Assurance Evaluator.
Beverly Hammer (Gutterud)
Cavalier Air Force Station, ND, USA - Thursday, March 25, 2010
Safeguard System Instructor at Central Training Facility, Fort Bliss, TX. Assigned to both the MSR and PAR in technical role to assist in evaluation of system performance. Assisted in training U.S. Air Force Staff to take over the operation of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar. Walked out the gate with Col. Green on the last day under U.S. Army Control. This was truly a reliable, sophisticated Ballistic Missile Defensive System with remarkable capabilities. One of a kind!!!
CW4 Clinton A. Esckilsen
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Both my wife and myself were at the Complex. I was an MP in Third Platoon and worked the two northern most RSL's. My wife worked for a private contractor for a short time at the MSR. She did not like working under ground and having two MP's taking her to the bathroom. We were there from December, 1974 to the early part of October, 1975 when I left the Army. I worked in a Squad with SSG Branch, SGT Barrett, SP4 Ratliff, one PFC Faye ?, and another PVT, a man from Texas. It was a good group of MP's. The one funny thing was that I was on top of the list for E-5, and when I left two weeks later they promoted everyone on the list. My friend Tim Durrack, who was in the 1st Platoon and did the Escorts, got his stripes with that group. We did a lot of running around in S. Korea together. He was from Detroit and I was from Chicago. I have a lot of stories about him. I am glad that there is going to be a reunion, both my wife and I would like to see this area again. I would like to take the Grand Kids there to see what it was like.
James Makselan
Friday, January 22, 2010
My name is Naomi Welcher and I lived with my husband Billy (Bill) Joe Welcher on base at the MSR from 1974 to 1976. Bill is easy to remember as he is 6'6" and from Alabama. He was in the first Safeguard class at Bliss along with Dale Peterson, Paul Alley, Bill Parker, and Bob (can't remember his last name). They were all SGTs. I believe they worked for Joe Morales. Our two children were born in Langdon attended by Dr. Lorenzo. I worked at the PX. Bill ran the movie theater for a while. We learned to play cards to pass the time during blizzards at Rick and Patty Lyness's house. I have lots of pictures of the housing area and snow. We had a bassett hound that would escape over the snow drifts. I have wonderful memories of North Dakota. We intended to stay. Once they got the missiles in the ground we took leave and on our way back, November 1975, they announced over the radio that Nixon had signed the Salt II treaty and they would be taking out the system. We went to Redstone in Huntsville, AL in August 1976. It was a great group in Nekoma. Bill and I divorced and he lives in Florida now.
Naomi Welcher
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My name is Lyle Myrvik. A local farm kid, and I was employed at MSR by Pan Am from 1973-1977(?) as a Janitor, then to a Heavy Laborer and then to a Fleet Serviceman in the motor pool at the Nekoma site. I enjoyed this web site very much. I was reading how development of the missile site started in the Marshall Islands, Kwajalein and moved to Nekoma, North Dakota. I traveled the other way as did the missiles. I saw the protesters in the field where the ABM site was built, flying their flags and kites, to being hired by the Corp of Engineers inspecting welds when they were constructing the missile silos, I was able to walk underground from the missile field to the radar building while the base was under construction, I watched the helicopters bringing in the warheads to the time of their removal of same warheads. In 1989(?) I was in the Marshall Islands, Kwajalein, actually on the island of Roi Namor, watching missiles that had been removed from Nekoma, North Dakota, (so I was told) launched from Vandeburg AFB in California reenter over the Marshall Islands with the fiery dummy warheads striking into the lagoon near the island of Roi Namor. I think I literally saw the starting and the end of the ABM age in my life time to the starting of the Star War stuff they were beginning to put in space. Respects to you and all,
Lyle J. Myrvik
Bradenton, FL, USA - Friday, October 23, 2009
I was a SGT. E-5 Military Policeman stationed at the MSR site. I lived in camp housing at the MSR site with my wife. We were there nearly two years. I began as a part of the missle movement group. I was the NCOIC of one of the two groups that handled the movements and once that mission was complete I became NCOIC of the escort squad. Once we were deactivated and the warheads were gone I was reassigned to help clear personnel that were in post housing.
Bruce D. McCoy
Wagner, SD, USA - Monday, September 28, 2009
I worked at the MSR site as a Security Officer from 1974 until it closed. It was a great place to work and I made many good friends. It was a sad day when I locked the gate for the last time.
Ken Lawrence
Pembina, ND, USA - Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hello to all! I just stumbled across this site last night and wanted to say how great it is to have it available. I was an electrical engineer with WECo working in the MSR's IF/Video Receiver during the installation/test phase of SRMSC. I arrived there just after the IF/Video Receiver equipment was delivered in March 1973, and left in March 1975 when it became painfully apparent that the SRMSC would be the only site ever completed. I would have loved to have seen more sites deployed as I thoroughly enjoyed both the work and the people more than I can ever describe. I see a number of familiar names have already found this site (Bill Elrod, my Dept. Chief at the MSR; Paul Tudor, who I worked with in the IF/Video Receiver; Terry Roush, who started his career with WECo in North Carolina the day before I did; Roger Thompson, who I worked with for some 20 - 25 years at Southwestern Bell (a.k.a. SBC Communication) after SRMSC and before we both retired; Ves Fulp (HLT); and Ralph Iverson). There are others that I don't see, but still think about often when I reminisce about those good old days (Charlie Seitz and Don Broussard, MSR Test Console; Jack Heaney, MSDP; Steve Cumbo, DCG; Roger Lewis, RF Receivers; Ed Johnson, Missile Consoles; Dennis Sink, Quality Assurance; and last, but certainly not least, my fellow IF/Video team members -- Sam Pointer, Don Walsh, Dean McElroy, Lenny Morrison). And as the mind slowly goes with age, there are probably just as many that I have forgotten. Again this is a great site and thanks for all your efforts. I would like to hear from any of you who were there during these early days. Best regards to all and take care!!!
John Roquet
Round Rock, TX, USA - Monday, June 29, 2009
Hi, I'm glad to see the site. I worked as an electrical engineer for Western Electric from 1972 til 1976. The work was very enjoyable which is more than I can say for the weather. I worked in the sensor area, beginning with the receiver then the transmitter and finally the RF receiver. Great work, Great people. I remember when we were in the process of handing the site over to the army, the 18 year old kids at the gates had loaded M-16's. Not very comforting.
Paul Tudor

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I was a Western Electric engineer at the Safeguard site and spent 3 1/2 years at the MSR and 3 years at the PAR. I lived in both the MSR military housing and in a house in Nekoma, then later in Cavalier. I was one of the last 2 WECO personnel to leave the site in 1979.
Mel Droege
Bozeman, MT, USA - Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I want to compliment you on your fantastic web site of the Missile Site Radar complex and other very interesting links. I worked at this site from its construction days until its deactivation in 1976. My work environment was as a Western Electric engineer in the High Power Transmitter. I also worked earlier at the White Sands Missile Range's ZEUS Acquisition Radar (ZAR) and Multifunction Array Radar (MAR 1), the Kwajalein ZAR Transmitter (1961-1963) and the Kwajalein MSR Transmitter (1969-1971). I'm sorry it took me so long to find your web site -- Good job.
Ves Fulp

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MSR End Life>
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hi everyone, what a great site. Wow it's nice to relive old memories. I came to Stanley R. Mickelsen sometime in 1975 as an MP from Ft. Hood Texas. During the time I was there, I was on the convoy and escort squad, worked in the pyramid monitoring the cameras and in the missile field entry shack where I remember alot of names from the i.d. cards we issued to the personnel from McDonnel-Douglas to work in the missile area. I Iived on the first floor, south side of the barracks, where alot of fun things happened and some good memories developed. I remember guys like Gordon King and Steve Gums whom I roomed with, and Friedrich and big tall Al who roomed down the hall and many other faces, but not the names. I also worked in the gym and the youth center. I coached softball with the youth boys, and was on the basketball team and played softball. I remember the terrible blizzard because I tried to leave the base on leave to visit home back in Wisconsin, and only made it one hundred yards outside the gate before I got stuck. (I had a hot date!) I miss the 24 hours on, 48 hours off shifts. I remember Langdon as a little sleepy quiet town that was so friendly, and reminded me of home. Nekoma was a very small friendly town that everyone said hello as you passed by, and where we bought our refreshments for those of us who were old enough. I left the base in may 1976 to civilian life with an early out because I only had two months remaining on commitment. I returned to Wisconsin, and became a police officer for twenty four years. I still keep in contact with Steve Gums who lives in Fargo North Dakota. I'm looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you at the reunion, and sharing old happy memories. Thanks goes out to all who got this site and the reunion started, and the town of Nekoma.
Don Schara (SP4 MP Stanley R. Mickelsen)
Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA - Friday, March 27, 2009
My Dad (Jr. Speas AKA "Tank") was transferred with Western Electric from Winston-Salem, NC to Nekoma and then Langdon 1971? -1975. Wondering if there are any other WE brats or friends of my Father's out there. Dad passed away in March 2001, but would have loved the idea of a reunion. I was 2nd grade and 3rd grade in Nekoma, '71-73 (?) lived on base. (and they had to set up trailers outside the school to have room for us) and then lived at the apt complex in Langdon and went to school there 4th grade and 1/2 of 5th, (73-75) before moving back to NC. My parents had a baby while there.....used to joke about the long cold winter nights, ha ha.....
Teresa Speas (Stoker)
New York, USA - Friday, March 27, 2009
Hello all. My name is Bill Elrod, retired Western Electric Department chief. I had the privilege of working with BTL, Raytheon , MDAC, Martin-Marietta and a great group of civilians and military to install and test the MSR and its associated missile fields. After the Salt talks, I left Langdon/Nekoma in April 1976 to go down to take out the BMDC at Colorado Springs. My peers were Reuben Rieger, Data Processing and Bill Burney, Missile hardware
interface. Bob Kimmel was Department Chief at the PAR. The locals in that area are some of the greatest people in America. Many of the WECo people are
still around and I would like to hear from all who remember that time frame. Best regards
W.A. (Bill) Elrod

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Thursday, March 26, 2009
I was a Western Electric Installer and was in charge of installing the PAR Modulators, Transmitters, Circulators, etc, etc.
I also was in charge of installing the comparator antennas at the MSR site.
Reed G. Hinton
Green Bay, WI, USA - Thursday, March 19, 2009
By chance (by Google), I just discovered the SRMSC web site this afternoon. My father (Gordon Craft

) worked on the Safeguard project in New Jersey from 1958 to 1962, and again from 1971 to 1976. In 1973, our family moved to Langdon when my father was transferred to work onsite at MSR. We moved away in 1976 when the site was closed, and all of my friends from those years scattered across the country (and some went overseas).
Chris Craft
Thursday, March 5, 2009
It was just a chance Internet encounter that I found this site! I was an instructor at the Air Defense School on peripheral equipment (tape drives, disk drives, printers, etc) used by Safeguard. I trained in New Jersey as I recall. Like the rest, SALT 1 put us out of business and I was sent to programming and system analysis school and on to Germany and a new branch of my career. I remember one salient point from the briefing we had about the site, there were to be facilities for 5,000 dependents! Do I mis-remember that? I'm sure that we were briefed that family quarters had already been built before the inactivation. I never got to see either of the sites.
Dan Henson, CISSP; MNC-I C8 IMO; Camp Victory, Iraq; Building 66A; 318-485-6025
Monday, March 2, 2009
I worked for GE as an engineer during the development, installation and activation of the system. We lived in Syracuse, NY (GE facility) and Madison, NJ (Western Electric/Bell Labs facility) during the period. I believe that I made about 15 trips to the ND facilities. After the active site was decommissioned because of a SALT agreement the government decided to use the PAR in its space track program. At that point I was hired back by Bell Labs to update the specification on the radar so that it could be updated for its new task. Enclosing a photo of the
lucite paper weight that IBM gave us near the end of the project.
George Rasi

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Monday, January 26, 2009
As a Western Electric technician for the MSR Computer and Radar systems, I pretty much crawled through the whole place while we were putting it together. I went inside things that you wouldn't think would hold a person... I was one of the smallest technicians. Of Interest: (1) Did you know that very likely the first production installation of an ink jet printer occured at the MSR site. I'm guessing the device was a development of Bell Labs engineering. It wasn't much larger than the average one today. There was a Bell Labs engineer periodically making adjustments to it and I don't know his name. It was adjusted while printing the 'the quick brown fox' test message. (2) The primary computer system had a program available to it that played blackjack when requested to do so. Having played against it, I would say that it did not appear to cheat. It used stick figures to deal and play. (3) The MSR slow pitch softball team were the local champs for at least one year that I know of.
Chris Behler

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Friday, January 16, 2009
We arrived at the MSR site back in April of 1974. The contractors hadn't turned the site over to the government yet. Earl was the CW4 in charge of the missile techs and I worked for Pan Am Supply. My job was really interesting since I managed the Property Book for all of the Tactical Handling Equipment which even included all of the furniture. This required visits to all of the RSLs and tactical buildings at MSR and PAR. Some of those locations required that an armed MP accompany me.
We got the site ready to pass the Technical Proficiency Inspection (TPI) and 3 days later Ted Kennedy got a vote thru to close us down.
We lived in one of the California prefabs in the housing development from April of 1974 to October of 1977. The insulation was soooo bad that we would have to chip ice off of the electrical plug-ins. We had "snirt" storms there which was a combination of snow and dirt being blown off of the fields into the houses. Once the base housing closed, we moved into Langdon and lived in one of the "eightplexes".
Earl retired from the Army in November of 1976 and was hired by Federal Electric Corp. (FEC) to determine the "salvage" value of the MSR and RSLs. Pan Am (my employer) was a subcontractor to FEC. Once the MSR closed and FEC took over the contract, I was moved to PAR to work.
Earl was hired by Lockheed to work at the Bangor, Washington Submarine Base in October of 1977. We lived there almost 20 years until Lockheed transferred Earl to Cocoa Beach, FL in June 1997. Earl retired in June of 2000 and since then we've spent most of our time traveling the country in our motorhome.
We visited the Nekoma area during the summer of 2001 and took digital pictures of the site and the empty lots where our house stood. The government leases out the land to local farmers to grow wheat on. It was weird to see combines working in the fields on base. Strangely enough Nekoma still looks basically the same as it did back in the late 70s. We would love to hear from any of the Missile Techs still out there!
Dee & Earl Raymond

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Viera, FL, USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I was the NCOIC at A-0 Minuteman Launch Facility from '93 to '96, it was a great mission. We often drove by the SRMSC facility but not many people knew anything about it. I have always been interested and did some google searches and found your site.. This site is incredible, you have the history that's not available anywhere else. It is too bad that congress did not see the value of this system. Thanks alot for your great work.
Tom Nelson
Hawley, MN, USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hello, some of you may remember me as James or Jim Johnson, mom and dad called me Randy. I was led to this site by Bill Allen, thanks Bill. My father was CW2 James Johnson and we were stationed at MSR in Nekoma from 1971 to 1974. Those were some of the best years growing up. My recollections are vague and may come across as rambling at times but I have nothing but good memories of being stationed there as an "Army brat" and "Missile Kid". I started at Langdon HS as a freshman in 1971 along with my sister Debra. That first day of school was pretty tough, we were the first of the missile kids to go to the school so we didn't have many friends those first few days. But over the next 3 years we got to know everybody at school and were friends with quite a few of them. I had a few jobs on site while dad was stationed there. Does anybody remember the theater opening? Okay so it was folding chairs and a dark room but I did help out in there for awhile. Then there was the "post cafeteria" working in the kitchen and serving food on the line, you guys don't want to know what went into the soup of the day ... LOL. If memory serves me right then I worked at the Officers Mess as a waiter/Maitre De (if you could call it that) and also helped the chef in the kitchen. Then it was the site service station, pumping gas, changing tires, changing oil and just having fun in general. I was part of the youth group and remember the fun we had with GT, Ron Rucker and Nanette. Winters there were spent riding snowmobiles (when somebody we knew had one), playing or attempting to play ice hockey in the frozen streets of base housing, and building some awesome snow forts in the huge drifts that would engulf the first row of houses ( we lived in 5B, Major Moss was in 5A). When I was sent to Greenland on a TDY early in my Air Force career I met a fellow classmate at a remote site there. I believe it was Chalmer Dettler but i'm not positive. I have heard from Suzy Metzger and she is on myspace friends. I've tried to find Terry Pfau but to no avail, he was one of my best friends from LHS. I begged mom and dad to let me stay for my senior year, Terrys' family was going to let me stay with them, but they wouldn't allow that to happen. Here's my contact info for those who care to get in touch or you can find me on
Jim Johnson
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Greetings from Cheyenne, WY - USAF Air Station Cavalier. We are being tranferred from Cheyenne, Wyoming, to the Cavalier
Air Station in Dec, Jan, or Feb. We would like to gather some info
regarding a 2 bedroom place to rent in the area for approx 15 months.
It would be nice to correspond with some folks in your area
beforehand. We are 26 and 29 years of age, Eric is presently deployed
in Afghanistan until Nov '08; we are married one year now. Any
military people living in town, or do they all live at the Air
Station? How many days a year are the roads impassable? How much snow
remains on the ground through the winter? Is it windy most of the
time? Does Langdon or Cavalier have a gym or fitness center? Pilates?
Thank you so much!
April & Eric
Cheyenne, WY, USA - Sunday, August 10, 2008
good job fella.nice site.Great vision.
yemi adenusi
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Just checking in to say hello. I came across this site while searching for information on Langdon, ND, where my daughter was born Dec. 30, 1975. I was an MP in the 3rd platoon and see a few names here I remember and want to say hello to: Bill Carrothers, Ed Hall, Mark Avery, Joe Auchus. I made a "state-side" swap to Nekoma from Ft. Carson with a WAC, whose name I can't recall, in July 1975. I left in the spring/summer of 1976 for Ft. Benjamin Harrison, where I left the Army in March 1978. I must say that reading the notes here has dusted off some long-forgotten memories and names. As a married MP at the time, many of the events described are not part of my memory, but I do have some from those of us that were married and lived in the trailers west of Langdon. Don Robinson and his wife Vicki were good friends and we spent many evenings with the kids, some iced tea and a bag of chips playing cards (spades). To Bill Carrothers - I never heard about a 48 hour recall, but the reason I went there was for a 48 month guaranteed stabilized tour of duty. I wanted to be with my wife when our daughter was born, so I made that swap to ensure I was with her. The rumors at the time at Ft. Carson was that everyone was going to be sent overseas to "clean house". Thanks to all of you that have shared comments and for bringing back some memories. Especially of the cold that I am still trying to thaw out from! ;-)
Rob Robbins
Canandaigua, NY, USA - Friday, April 25, 2008
Any MK-ers out there? Greg Dockter here, MK Electrical Modifications Department June 1971-June 1973. Late wife Margo joined me in September of 1971 from Fargo, Son Jake born October 1971 and Daughter Cindy December 1972 (Thanks Drs. Goodall and Kaluzniak!). Scrolled through the guestbook; only name recognized is John Verwey, also here in Bismarck. MK & Fischbach-Moore gave me a fun start in the electrical industry - forever grateful. Greg
Gregory R. Dockter, P.E.

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Bismarck, ND, USA - Thursday, March 13, 2008
Col John M. House (BMDOC Commander) passed away January 23, 2008 in Fort Worth, TX. He was buried at Ft Leavenworth Cemetery with his wife Joan, who died July 16, 2007. They are both missed by their family and friends.
John House
Monday, March 3, 2008
I was at WSMR in 1961-1964, Kwaj in 1964-1966 and HQ, ARADCOM as Chief of the Nike Zeus / Sentinel / Safeguard / etc. Operations Division from 1967-1969 and again from 1970 until 1974.
Robert M. Baker, Sr., LTC,USA,(Ret)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Urban Legend????? A question to any ex Safeguard MP out there. I left in April 1976, as a E-2. One of the things I was told, was that because we (MP's) had the R3 (nuke qualified) identifier attached to our 95B (MP MOS), less than 10 of our 240 cops were allowed to PCS to an over seas post. The reason? I was told we were on a "48 Hour Ready Recall" which meant that if the world situation started to ramp up (change in Def-Con) we could be called and have 48 hours to report back to Nekoma. Now for the question. Was this true or was someone just yanking my chain? None of the MP's went to Fort Belvoir with me so I never heard if anyone else was told this or not. May be silly after 30 some years but whenever I would talk to someone about Nekoma I would remember and wonder.
Bill Carrothers, MSgt retired, MN ANG

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
HI, I found this link while I was doing some Nike research. I was surprised by what I saw. I was at the Cavalier AFS in 1987 while working for RCA Corp. We were installing equipment for the GWEN System (Ground Wave Emergency Network) for the Air Force. RCA was the prime contractor for this secure comm. system. Well anyway I was looking at the photos and I can see the Antenna tower we installed on top of the PARS bldg. It was as you are looking at the face on the right rear side of the roof. Later pictures I looked at past the year 2000 show it gone as the Gwen Network went off the air in 1999-2000. There was no dome on the roof when we did our work but I could clearly see the UHF Ant tower we put up there. Then reminiscing about it I recalled working on missile tracking tests for the Cruise and Hell Fire Missiles we did at WSMR on LC 38 with the ARMY using a program they called ADATS (Air Defense Artillery Treat Simulator). Then I found this link of
LC 38. I recall the bldg for the original proto type for the Phase Array Radar was there then, maybe 1979-1980 or so. I remember the Military personnel telling us it was ok to go in cause it was not locked up so we went in to look around. I recall seeing all the back side of the array cells with wires hanging out of them and even some of the old array Xmitters still in the bldg. It was a really incredible thing to see back then since we had missed the chance when I was in Nike to get a chance to work on the Safeguard because of Mr. Nixon and his Salt II treaty closed it down. When I got the chance to travel to ND to install the equipment for the company I was thrilled to find it still in use. I was out there for 2 weeks. I even drove across the state to the second site in Montana to see what was left of the other. Not much there as I recall, just some concrete sticking up out of the ground from the stalled project for the second site. Well anyway we got the tour of the place, they showed us all the cool stuff for tracking things in space. It was a trip I will never forget. So that is my story, hope you enjoyed it. Your site sure brings back memories of my youth. Thanks.
Gus Santagata
Rocky River, Ohio, USA - Friday, February 22, 2008
Re: surviving an attack. I was an MP from 3rd Platoon, Jan 75-Apr 76. We worked RLS (Remote Launch Site) 3 and 4. As an E-2, we only knew what we were told, but our instructions were to pull in our patrol and the Civilian guard, close and secure the blast doors and not let anyone else in who may show up. Wife, kids, off going shift. Once the door was shut, that was it. It's been 30 years, but I think they told us, we had water and food for about 2 weeks. However, we picked up our food for the day at the mess hall before we left in the morning. Frozen food in individual containers; entree, veggies, desert, potatoes. These came from the Air Force, not Army chow. I retired after 28 years, (3 active Army, 25 ANG,) and this was the best field rations I ever had. C-Rats, K-Rats, original cold then heatable MRE's, or field kitchens. If we were off duty during an attack, barracks personnel were supposed to go downstairs into the All ranks club if there wasn't time to get to the main pyramid on base.
Bill Carrothers, MSgt retired, MN ANG

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Monday, February 18, 2008
I understand my wife's grandfather
Col. John M House III US Army was commander here (years unknown). We lost John in late Jan. 2008, he will be missed.
mitch beien
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hello - this is a wonderful site. I'm fascinated with the technology of the cold war and especially the technology of the strategic forces of the time. I was a member of the Army Signal Corps (26V) during the middle 70's but was never assigned to Safeguard - got Korea instead. I was wondering: Was a combat reload (reload while under fire) capability considered for the firing sites of the Safeguard system? Were additional missiles and warheads stored in the magazine to replace at least some of the expended rounds under warfighting conditions - assuming the sites managed to survive the initial exchange? Were there any robust shelters in place or provisions made for off-duty personnel and dependents under attack conditions or were they in extreme danger of being sacrificed to the effects of fallout or the prompt effects of a near miss? I suppose it really wouldn't matter with a direct hit...
V. Patania
Monday, January 7, 2008
Webmaster note: There was no "reload while under fire" capability. Unlike the earlier Nike anti-aircraft systems, there were no magazines. Sprint and Spartan silos each held a single missile, which was not easily or quickly replenished after firing.
Frank Flavell had an interesting comment about BMDOC training exercises: "In most drills, after you had expended all available rounds, a final incoming would be targeted on the MSR, and all you could do was wait for it to hit. A nice way of keeping us humble I guess." Other than standard fallout shelters (for example in the lower level of the enlisted mess hall), there was no provision for protection of off-duty personnel and dependents.
A History of the Huntsville Division describes hardening criteria (for Sentinel, from which Safeguard was derived): "...the hardening criteria demanded the creation of partially buried, multistory structures that would permit the delicate radar apparatus and its three-shift crews to survive nearby nuclear explosions and go on operating on a self-sufficient basis during the hostile aftermath of the explosions, probably for a period of several days thereafter. No hardening was planned for support facilities such as barracks, commissaries, chapels, classrooms, recreation facilities, headquarters buildings, and the like. These were considered expendable and were designed with straightforward methods and materials".
Hey everybody! My name is Janet Lebrun and I was in grade school when all of you were here back in what we call the "missile days". I have kept in touch with a few of you but would love to hear from more. Those of us locals that are still here in the lovely Nekoma area would love to see a reunion and would love to help make one happen. I don't know if any of you remember Bob Wilhelmi. He was a teacher at the school in Nekoma. He now owns the new bar in Nekoma which is called the "Pain Reliever". Some of you might remember that name from back then. If any of you ever make it up this way, make sure you stop in for a visit. You may not recognize the area as they are in the process of putting up 106 wind towers, most within 7 miles of Nekoma, for the largest wind farm in North Dakota. Come back and see us anytime!
Janet Lebrun Schill
Nekoma, North Dakota, USA - Thursday, November 15, 2007
I was part of the US Army Communications Command at the Safeguard site in Nekoma from January 1974 to spring 1976. I was a COMSEC Specialist (31T). I received my promotion to E6 while there. After North Dakota, I was assigned to CLSU, Fort Clayton, Panama Canal Zone. This is a good site for reminiscing. My
reup photo from 1975 is attached.
Mark Hanna
Banks, Oregon, USA - Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I was at both the MSR and PAR sites from January 1974 until November 1980.
I first worked at MSR during operational testing with ITT Federal Electric Corp.
When operational status was shut down and the PAR Site was turned over to the Air Force for the Early Warning System, I moved over to the PAR Site as Deputy Project Manager.
We lived in the Langdon area and during that time we met many wonderful friends and have become life long friends with them. Also, two of my children married local people and I now have many grandchildren and great grandchildren living in the area.
The web site for the MSR and PAR is wonderful, and I'm glad I found it.
James Cumberland
San Diego, CA, USA - Friday, October 5, 2007
For a short time, I worked on Spartan as an aerospace engineer at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co., Huntington Beach, CA. There were 2 sets of sliding doors for each Spartan missile. The missile stood vertically in the silo, that (for the purpose of concept) was like a giant letter "U." When the missile would be fired, the exhaust would go downward to the bottom of the U, and up the other side. Therefore, one pair of doors was the "Exhaust Duct Protective Cover Assembly," while the other was the "Launch Chamber Protective Cover Assembly."
People think of the old Nike days when doors would open relatively slowly (by electric motors or hydraulics, I guess), and the missile would be rotated to the launch position, much like an opening bridge. For the Spartan, however, time was more critical.
There was a "gas generator," that for all intents and purposes, was a solid propellant. When ignited, it very quickly provided a great deal of gas that pushed a piston that violently moved the doors.
I recall working on a computer program to determine how long it would take for the doors to open. The basic program was fine for the summer, but not for winter, so we had a mathematical model of snow that assumed that as the doors first moved, that the snow was being compressed, up to a point. After that, a certain amount of force would be required to break up the compressed snow. After that, it was a matter of moving the doors with the added weight of the snow that would be sitting on them.
At the time, I was a young man who barely knew where North Dakota was located. Little did I know that many years later, I would be flying a B-52 out of Grand Forks AFB. While there, I drove by the site to see things for myself. I have a some drawings of the missile
(C03, C04)
and silo and doors
(041, 042).
Larry Nazimek
Monday, September 24, 2007
I was a local resident of Langdon ND during the construction of the two complexes. My father, John Delebo, was the postmaster of Langdon and was given Officer's Club privileges when the site was operational so we were able to get a chance to get reasonably close to the MSR site. My best friend Joe Collins moved from Kwaj to Langdon and lived in Cavalier Estates trailer park with three brothers in a lovely doublewide trailer. Tough location for all of the transplants from Kwaj (85 degrees and sunny always!) to the -40 to +100 degree changes...... My father still resides in Langdon and fondly remembers the people and the time when the sites were built.
John B Delebo
Friday, July 6, 2007
Great work on the SRMSC site and related sites. You may wish to add the following
reference video titled
Atomic Journeys (Welcome to Ground Zero).
It's one of the Atomic Central products and contains dramatic archive film footage done
during the nuclear explosion test of the ~ 5 Megaton SPARTAN missile warhead conducted
beneath Amchitka Island, Alaska.
Toby Roberts
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I worked for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics in Huntington Beach. I was a member of a integration team, which developed integration software for verifying the interfaces between the GE Radar Data Conditioner, the Sprint I/II farm, and the CDC7700, which was actually two CDC7600. The tactical program, which was written in CDC assembly language, performed radar, missile control, and discrimination filter for incoming reentry vehicles. The tactical software was developed by TRW in Redondo Beach. I left the program in March 1976, but heard through the grapevine that the Sprints could actually strike the reentry vehicles. So... thirty years later the Missile Defense Kill Vehicle is probably not much of an improvement over the Sprint. There is a big difference between 1975 dollars and 2005 dollars. Ipso facto.
Eugene L. Benton
Irvine, California, USA - Saturday, June 16, 2007
My Dad (Aubrey Belflower) was one of the Engineers that helped build the PAR. We had mistakenly thought the site was decomissioned after the SALT treaty was signed. I am very happy to see his work not go to waste. He worked very hard, it was a tough place to build such a huge structure. Does anyone have any more information on the construction of the site ?
Andy Belflower
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I was stationed at GFAFB in the late '80s.
D-0 was called Dodge City. Inside the main building,
there was a telegraph wire along one wall and a stuffed jackalope on another. The walls down the elevator shaft were painted brown for dirt, and
someone glued fools gold on the walls. It was a cool control center. I see you also have a picture of
Bravo 0.
Bravo flight had LF-13. That was a magnet for halloween and peace protestors. There were stories that one year a group of protestors got
on site and placed a bunch of fake tombstones. The picture of
D-32 is after the outer zone security
upgrade. The white pole took the place of four blue antennas. You can still see the round concrete pillars that held the antennas.
The one is right in front of the light blue/green exhaust vent, about 3' high. It is great to see the pics -- thanks for the memories.
I never took any the four years I was there. D-32 is now my wall paper.
Joe Frazel
Sunday, June 3, 2007
My name is Dale Petersen and I worked for Western Electric as an installer. I worked at the MSR on the
tmrc crew in 1973 and 1974. What great times we had back then. I am very pleased to have found this web sight, good job.
Dale Petersen
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I served as an instructor at the SAFEGUARD Central Training Facility at Fort Bliss, Texas from April 1970 to August 1972. I was a SSG at the time, assigned to the Transmitter Branch of the MSR Division; CW3 Darrel Black was the branch chief during my tenure there. Other members of the branch included SFC Don Bizdon, Ed Ramsey, Fred Clark, Jack Vankirk, Jess Trinidad, Ike Jones, Dudley Strong, SSG Bob Vinyard, Walt Trybus and Frank Papasavas. Most of us later became warrant officers in various specialties. Our main task at the time was to create the 28N maintenance course for the future students that would be trained to man the MSR site. Other people that were assigned other branches of the MSR division at that time were Bob Nutt and Al Caldwell; both later became warrant officers. CW2 Al Henington was the branch chief of the Receiver Branch. Myself and a few others with HAWK experience in the SAFEGURD CTF came down on a short notice assignment to Okinawa to fill critical shortages there. I enjoyed my time in SAFEGURD. I learned a lot and have some of my best memories of my Army career.
Jim Goforth, CW3, USA Ret.
Hazel Green, AL, USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I was there from Nov 74 to Apr 76. I was a member of "The Mushroom Squad" that convoyed the warheads out to the RSL's.
Nate Bridges
Sunnyside, WA, USA - Thursday, April 5, 2007
To all of you who received training for Safeguard at Fort Bliss, Texas,
I am currently preparing a documentation of the
Safeguard Central Training Facility and training program which prepared military personnel for activating the Safeguard Anti-ballistic Missile System for the Fort Bliss, Texas Directorate of the Environment. We will be publishing a public document up to fifty pages in length and I need your help. I would greatly appreciate any information or memories that you want to share about your time at Bliss training for Safeguard (Sprint and Spartan missiles). Here are some specific questions but any stories or thoughts related to preparing to man (or woman) the first ABM in the United States would be greatly appreciated.
I do not want this publication to be a stuffy history but one that reflects the human story of those of you who were part of this chapter in Cold War history.
How long was the training?
What specific training did you receive? Did it all take place at Fort Bliss or elsewhere?
What did you do for recreation and entertainment during your time at Fort Bliss?
What stands out most about your time preparing to activate the Safeguard ABM?
Did you do any live firing training out on McGregor Range or any other range?
Do you have any interesting or funny memories about learning your trade at Fort Bliss?
Thanks so much for your interest and sharing.
Cherilyn Widell
Principal, Historic Preservation
HNTB Corps
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I came from the San Francisco area and spent the winter in the Cavalier housing complex. (What happened to it?) I worked on the face when the
cabs were first activated and later worked inside laying the miles of the very small coax cable that was under the grid flooring. Had a good time and remember the extreme cold in December that year (72). Monthly flights home from Grand Forks, and the movie theater in Cavalier that still had a carbon arc projector.
Stuart R. Horn
Tampa, Florida, USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Webmaster note: Temporary housing 8-plex units were constructed in the northwest section of Cavalier, ND, to provide housing for the large influx of workers needed to build and activate the PAR, 16 miles to the west.
1970's PanAm photo generally facing north. The closest two 8-plexes still exist; all others have been replaced by single family housing.
2002 photo of the remaining units.
I worked in the transmitter design group at
Raytheon in Wayland from 1972 to 1975. I made two trips to the site to
install new transmitter equipment and fault detection testing. The very
high RF power levels produced significant challanges.
As a note, the transmitter's final amplifiers were not klystrons. They
were twystrons, a hybrid of a klystron and a traveling wave tube.
The transmitter had two complete duplicates, the outputs were normally
combined but the site was operational with only one final amplifier
online. Commercial power was used for normal operation. It was so significant
that we needed to notify the local power company as we powered up the
transmitters. The onsite power plant was only intended to be used in
tactical situations or failure of commercial power. Gerry
Gerald Goodrich

Home Page>
Bellingham, MA, USA - Monday, January 29, 2007
I just stumbled onto this site as I was doing some searching on the Internet. Wow, talk about a blast from the past. I was one of the first MPs on site and went through a special two week training course at Fort Gordon. Some of those in the training course were Rich Gallagher and TDY Mark Avery (good story about that one). My first roommate was Joe Auchus and then I moved into a house in Langdon. When I decided to move back to the Barracks my roommate was Dave Spotts. A lot of good memories especially bartending at the Lariat Bar where all the missile trash (that's what the locals called us) hung out. Great memories of Chris Steigerwald, Tim Durak, Laurie Goos, etc. I moved from the San Francisco area to Pittsburgh, PA six years ago and am now working at George Washington University in DC commuting back to PA on weekends. Love the pictures. I believe that person in
photo B06 is Alan Storhoff (sp) from outside of Fargo. Dave Spotts and I were roommates as well and that partial Schlitz sign on the wall was mine at one time. God, the memories.
Hal Gollos
Washington, DC, USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I was in the Nekoma graduating class of "84". My name was Machelle Kern. Stacey Gjesdahl was my side kick. I also remember Patrick Neib? I think that was how he spelled his name. We went to kiddy dances on the missile site.
Machelle Hendrickson
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I enjoyed your site but wonder why none of the engineering people who built the site are listed-I am one of those people-you have some mistakes I know of.
Joseph Hullender EE

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Friday, October 20, 2006
I was stationed in the Safeguard MP company from November '74 to January '76. I mostly worked at RSL3 and the backup alert force. Thanks for the site!
Mike Howdle

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Omaha, Nebraska, USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006
I was looking for info on the ABM sites in North Dakota and came upon your excellent site. I worked for Martin-Marietta from 1972-1974, and was a member of the Sprint Site Activation Team from August 1973 to October 1974. Your photos of the site and especially of RLS#2 brought back many memories.
Walter C. McKinney

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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
I wish I had found this site several years ago. It fills in a lot of blanks. My family came to the MSR base in December of 1972. I
was in the middle of my 9th grade year and registered as a freshman at Langdon High. We lived in a duplex (41-B, I believe) on the base,
even though my dad was a civilian, until we moved into Langdon about a year and a half later. My dad was Richard (Dick or RW) Allen and was
employed by Western Electric. My mom, Jeannine, worked for Bell Labs. Dad passed away in September of 2004, but my mom is still living in
Winston-Salem, NC. I live in nearby Thomasville, NC. I was very active in the Protestant Chapel youth group. A few years back, I had a
reunion of sorts with the Protestant Chaplain, "GT" Gunhus, when he was a guest speaker at a prayer breakfast in High Point, NC. I
graduated from LHS in 1976 (and returned for the 10 year reunion) and went to UND in Grand Forks for two years before transferring back to
NC, where I finished at UNC-Greensboro in 1980. I have great memories of Nekoma (love the Coliseum!) and Langdon, summers and winters!
Would love to hear from other "Missile Kids," particularly those who were part of the youth group at the MSR Chapel. I have been married
for 15 years and have a 12 year old son. And I am still active with my church youth group, though as an adult now!
Bill Allen
Thomasville, NC, USA - Monday, September 25, 2006
Nice to see this, as all through high school and later I've lived only about 40 miles from the PAR site in Northern Montana. Thanks to Bob Bleeker, Jr. for leading me to this site. Excellent job!
Darrell Stafford
Cut Bank, MT, USA - Friday, July 21, 2006
It is great to know that people are still interested in keeping SAFEGUARD memories alive. I began my career with Western Electric in 1966 at the Burlington NC plant. I was a member of the Missile Borne Guidance Equipment Project Engineering Group. I spent 8 years with Nike X, Sentinel, and Safeguard. This was the best assignment I had in my 30 year career with WE, AT&T Microelectronics, and Lucent.
W.M. "Bill" Cameron
Richmond, VA, USA - Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Arrived at Safeguard from Naples, Italy in September, 1973, assigned as SGM, Fixed Station Supervisor, USAAC, with Major Moss. During my last six months or so, assigned to position as Operations SGM for the Missile Command. After retiring from the Army in Nov, 1975, I returned to the site as a Maintenance Supervisor for Pan Am and stayed to help manage the Site Deactivation Team until Septembeer 1976. Remember many of the folks named in all the comments and look forward to seeing all again. Found the site through and God Bless.
David Allfrey
Silverdale, WA, USA - Thursday, June 15, 2006
Just discovered the site, will have more to say when I have time.
William T. Bailey
Huntsville, AL, USA - Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Can't resist. Got to ask if anybody remembers the day the brown slat wood sign coming onto the MSR site was slightly changed to read "BEQ and Zoo". Probably one of the funniest memories I have of duty in Nekoma, ND. It was unfortunate and probably also quite fortunate that I was interrupted before I could effect further changes to the sign. Life at the Safequard site was good, if a little tedious at times. Had to do something to spice it up (and it was done in broad daylight, about 2:30 in the afternoon,)
Bill Turner

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Woodbridge, VA, USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Just looked in on the Safeguard site. I made an entry in January 2002 and there is lots of interesting reading since then. I found especially interesting the comment from Dave Mullens. I was an enlisted MP and the base commander was up there in the stratosphere for me. But still and all we coped, mostly with humor. There was a rumor going around that BG Mullens' phone number was one digit off from the local pizza parlor or taxi service. Was that correct? or is that just another urban rumor that got passed around on those long cold winter days? Also, remember talking to Bill Caldwell about his service on a Nike base back east. I have located the two sites of the former Nike bases in the DC area, one in Lorton, VA and one on the Fairfax County Parkway. Makes me realize I had a little place in history. No, don't get teary eyed on me, it's just that a lot of us MP's believed in what we were doing. Kudos to Joe Auschus, the P.O. in Cedar Rapids and all the others who went on to serve in a police function. Wish I could make the reunion!!!
Bill Turner

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Woodbridge, VA, USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I really hope the reunion happens. What is left of the facilities? What are they now? Can we possibly get tours of them? Does anyone have current pictures?
George Rasi

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Camillus, NY, USA - Thursday, April 13, 2006
See my WEB site.
George Krejci

Home Page>
IL, USA - Sunday, March 05, 2006
Hi, My grandpa helped out with this project and now I'm doing a speech on it for school (I'm a high school freshman). It was pretty weird how I got to this topic, I was just talking to my dad about Grandpa and he mentioned this and I was like Wow, that's pretty cool. So I'm rushing to get this outline done and I decided to Google it and got this. Pretty cool!!! My grandpa's name was Robert "Bob" Kjonaas, and he was an electrical if you knew him could you please e-mail me. Thanks a whole bunch.
Christina Kjonaas
San Antonio, TX, USA - Thursday, February 23, 2006
Just visted the PAR remnants..looks like a hang out for teens now. Has a horned owl nest on the second level. I also found the remnants of the MSR, but not too much to look at there. I will snap some pictures
Great Falls, MT, USA - Sunday, February 05, 2006
What memories. I wondered if this place still existed. I worked as a technician in 1975 (civilian) at the MSR mostly. We did sheilding tests and got to see the whole site, from the generators and water towers to the high power antennas. Very nostalgic to see it again. Barney
Barney Arntz
Morristown, NJ, USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006
I worked first at the RSL's and then on the escort squad at the MSR when they put the warheads on the missles. I also flew a few times with the warheads to Grand Forks when we started to dismantle. I was there from Oct 74 through Jun of 76. My wife taught school in Nekoma while we were stationed there and we lived in the trailer park in Langdon. Others I remember that I worked with were Fosness, Wagoner, Schara, Gums, Jordon, SSG Engleman, McCoy. I still have my unit patches and I think I left one of the fatigues just like I wore it there.
Marty Friedrich
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Great site. While I was never assigned to Safeguard, I was offered a position there by the CG USARADCOM back in 1970. I'm originally from Benson County ND. At the time I was 'offered a job' there I was a grunt, attached to the MP platoon on a Nike site in Southern California, pulling guard. When the CG learned I was from NoDak, and Nekoma was 'close to home' he said he'd 'guarentee' me six years there if I re-enlisted for it. It took all I could to NOT laugh in the general's face. Here I was in SoCal pulling guard, where the weather on the mountain got down to maybe 30 in the winter, and he wanted me to go to NoDak and pull guard at -40 in blizzards!?? Nope, not a chance. Funny thing was about six weeks after telling him NO, I had orders to Nam.. hummmmmmmm Maybe I should have pulled guard in NoDak.
Fred Bryn
MO, USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005
I worked at the MSR and PAR sites in the 70's and early 80's. I was a Pan Am employee working with Western Electric in the computer systems. I was involved in the DPS system at MSR and when the MSR was deactivated, I transferred to the PAR and was involved in the daily operations of the site until 1981. Working on the Safeguard System was a real "Buck Rogers" experience. The DPS was the first multi processor system developed and I had the pleasure of working side by side with the people that developed the systems. These men were on the cutting edge of computer development, and I think at the same level as people like Seymour Cray.
Noel Laxdal

Video (012)>
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Great Web Site. I have a list of the Army personnel that were assigned to the PAR Site in Sep. 1974 with me. I have made contact with LTC (Major at the time) William (Hank) Jones. If there is anyone incharge of making contact with the people who worked at the different locations please let me know, I can send them this list.
Robert L. Sykes

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Fort Worth, Texas, USA - Thursday, November 17, 2005
Hey, I just got on line again and I saw alot of old friends. I just returned from Al-Asad, Iraq where I was with the 326th ASG. It was a year that I will never forget. We had 67 rocket attacks and we lost many soldiers and Marines. I am currently at Ft. Riley kansas for the next 6 months and then maybe I will get out after 32 years. Like I said, we need a reunion from Safeguard command. If anyone has a patch from safeguard command that I can get, I would gladly buy one. Thanks Joe Auchus
Joseph Auchus

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Cedar Rapids, IA, USA - Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Great web site! I grew up in Grand Forks, and was in grade school when all of you were serving in SAFEGUARD. Now it's my turn. I command the 49th Missile Defense Battalion at Fort Greely, AK, and am responsible for the operations and security of the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) site here. In looking through the web site, I see a lot of things haven't changed much in the Army over the past 30 years. The technology we use is much newer, but I still have Soldiers pulling crew duty and MP's walking the fenceline. My only disagreement is with the number of you who don't have fond memories of serving in North Dakota in the winter. Having grown up there, I can assure you that ND winters are balmy compared to the interior of Alaska! -60F is not unusual here, and that is without the wind chill. 4 hours of daylight doesn't help either. Anyway, thanks to all of you who served in SAFEGUARD. The next generation is on guard defending America.
Warmest Regards, LTC Greg Bowen
Greg Bowen
Fort Greely, AK, USA - Monday, November 07, 2005
I was employed by Pan American World Airways with the Safeguard Support Services project. Fresh out of high school, I was hired as a reproduction clerk. Soon I was the lead reproduction clerk with responsibilities for providing all copies required for the entire facility -- copies, engineering drawings, or whatever they came up with. I even printed the base newspaper, "The Guardian". My job involved visits to all sites, allowing me to drive my very own US Army pickup truck. Working there was quite simply, a lot of fun. Great people, and a great area. I see one of my old friends, Dan Kornelis has visited as well. The site is very interesting and I will be back to visit from time to time, and maybe add to the story.
Rod Stoa
Tower City, ND, USA - Friday, October 28, 2005
Darwin, I was looking through my Mil records for persons I served with in Vietnam and Germany. Wow, there was your name. Brought back a lot of memories. I hope you read these occasionally and contact me at the e-mail address. You can also check out the Web-Site at I would enjoy hearing from you. Arlie
Arlie Massey
Triadelphia, WV, USA - Monday, October 10, 2005
I lived in N.D. from 1972 when I was 11 yrs. old til I graduated from High School in 1979. Maj. A. R. Wegner and my mom, Terry Wegner now live in Las Vegas, Nevada. All are doing well. I have 4 children, ages 11, 13, 16 and 18. I am divorced and have been living in Scottsdale, Az for the past 28 years. Earl and Judy Lorenzen have been dear friends with me through many years. God Bless You All!
Cindy Baxter (Taylor)
Scottsdale, AZ, USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005
A very fine website. During the mid-1990's I was living a few miles from the proposed Perimeter Acquisition Radar site at Sharpner's Pond north of Boston. In the late 1960's, the contractor started work by blasting a huge hole in the granite bedrock where the footings for the hardened building that was supposed to house the radar would go. That is as far as construction ever got. The teenagers who now drag race and copulate on the site would never know that this was the first (and so far the only) attempt to construct a ABM designed to shield a major metro area from ballistic missiles. (Except for the operational system that was built around Moscow starting in the mid-1960's.)
Austin, Texas, USA - Tuesday, September 06, 2005
We are looking for information on the old..long gone..Nike Missle site that was in Grosse Pointe at the foot of Three Mile Drive. If anyone has any info or pics or personal history please drop us a note. Thanks
mark volkman
GPP, MI, USA - Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I remember the blizzard of 75 with wind chills of -101 below zero and the heat shields on the windows that went up in November and didn't come down till the first thaw. I also remember the snirt that blew so fine that it would find its way into just about anything. I also remember the ground frost that would make crystals of ice grow on the railings outside the baracks. I also remember watching Maj. Dee Barnes paint a painting of the winters of North Dakota. I saw the painting with just the sky finished and I bought it from him on the spot. I am blessed to be able to look at it daily and flood my mind with memories of the great ND winters. I also remember the hot summers and sitting on the steps of the barracks at night and looking up and seeing more stars than I ever knew existed and the northern lights and shooting stars. Makes me want to drive up to Langdon and have dinner at The Embers or the Country Kitchen. I also remember learning to water ski on lakes that were so cold that you didn't dare fall in fear of freezing off body parts. BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR makes me cold just thinking about it.
David Sobel

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San Antonio, TX, USA - Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I was the Military Personnel Officer for the Safeguard Command for most of its existence. My office was in the H - Building and my boss was Major Doye Sivils. My staff were all local civilians. We (Me and my Family) lived in the housing there and enjoyed our association with this unique command to the fullest. My daughter, Karen, was married there to an MP named Joel Redman, but they are now divorced. I have been retired since January 1, 1978. You may want to update your roster of Safeguard Personnel to include Father Barry Lonergan, a Catholic Chaplain, who was our Command Chaplain. I'll try to come up with some more information, and if I can, I will post it here. Thanks for keeping memories of Nekoma, Langdon, and Safeguard alive for all of us across the world.
Lane, Donald F

PDF (6021)>
Alexandria, VA, USA - Thursday, July 07, 2005
Martin Marietta, Technician on ground segment equipment late '72 in Orlando for about 6 months, then off to Saigon with ITT-Federal Electric as crypto tech, 73-75.
Bill Stephens
Linton, IN, USA - Saturday, July 02, 2005
Excellent site! Thanks for helping to document our Cold War history.
Tom Bateman

Home Page>
Southgate, MI, USA - Friday, July 01, 2005
RAYTHEON Service Company Site Supervisor; MSR Transmitter Engineer, EE; February 1975 - January 1976.
Great goose hunting and trout fishing!
Appreciate your website effort!
William Hagan
Poulsbo, WA, USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Badge 98, Civilian Guard
Eva L. Maring
Mineral, VA, USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005
SSG E-6 U.S. Army, Crypto Tech
Darwin R. Maring
Mineral, VA, USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005
I worked for Western Electric and arrived while they were still pouring concrete for the MSR. Upon arriving, my first thought was... "Why are there power outlets in the parking lot". I have to say that the experience of working on such a monumental project and meeting so many great people will stay with me forever as a top memorable experience. I was fairly young at the time and my time there (3 years) had a big impact on an impressionable "kid". My hats off to all who participated... I hope to see some old friends at the reunion.
Chris Behler

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Grosse Pointe Park, MI, USA - Friday, May 27, 2005
I lived on the complex between May 1975 - April 1976. I got my life time fill of snow. I remember 60 degrees below and wanting to walk outside in a tee shirt when it got to 30 above 0 cause if felt so warm. My last name was McConnell and the x husband was in the Army and worked mainly at the PAR building. I don't miss the white outs nor the blizzards. Maybe thats why I live in Fl. now. Sorry all the pictures I had went into my sons 30th Birthday memory book. He was 3 yrs of age when we were there. I belonged to the NCO wives club that put the names on the streets in the housing area. I doubt that they are there now. Thanks for the memories. Great job.
Donna Frederick

Home Page>
Southport, Fl, USA - Monday, April 25, 2005
You have a great website!! Keep it up. We must not forget our men and women that gave their all.
To some they are just Iraq war casualties but to many of us they are Iraq War Heroes.
Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away.
Dedicated To Our Fallen Iraq War Heroes Dedicated To Our Vietnam War Heroes
Q Madp

Home Page>
Portland, OR, USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005
I arrived in July of 1974 and stayed until June 1976. I was one of the first group of MP's to arrive and was one of the last enlisted MP's to leave. I really enjoyed the camaraderie there and would say Hi to all my friends made there, including: Joe Auchus, Mark Avery, Billy Bergman, Mike Bocook, Dan Snyder and Sgt Buckalew "to name a few". It was a great experience.
Bill Caldwell

Home Page>
Washington, PA, USA - Thursday, March 03, 2005
My family and I were assigned to the Complex from August 1974 to December 1975. I worked for LTC John Winters as his Ops Sergeant. It was a great run for 15 months.
CSM(R) Ernie Golwitzer
Huntsville, AL, USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004
I was at WSMR in 70-71 with SAFSEA, I had several jobs from mail man to twix carrier,..........I was in "Reproduction" and "Graffic Arts". I started out running an offset press and then on a Xerox 7000 in the Basement of a building and enjoyed my time at the Base, meeting a lot of friends and good people and would like to get in touch with anyone that was there at that time. I have a few pictures, but will put them on this site later.
David Gaspard
Louisiana, USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004
I was stationed here in Jan, Feb and March of 75. I was one of the "Zoomies", Air Force Weather people, providing weather support. I can't say that I've been anywhere colder in my life.
Bob DeVine
Clawson, MI, USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004
I was part of the WECo test team from 72-74. My job was the Product Assurance Chief with the final task of signing over the site to the Army in Oct. 74.
We drove through the area last summer (2003)which brought back many memories. I would love to hear from other WECo that were there at that time.
Hal Smith

Photo (0109)>
Pickerington, OH, USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004
I was assigned to the U.S. Army Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex at Nekoma, ND from July 1974 to July 1976. At that time I was "Army LTC" and served as the on-site Contracting Officer's Representative authorized by the Ballistic Missile Defense Command. Additionally, I served in a dual role during the deactivation phase as the Facility Engineer. I worked for Army COL Ton, James G. who was the Deputy Commander in charge of facilities and support. Another officer at the complex was Army MAJ Doye O. Sivils, who served as the adjutant.
Gary L. Kline
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Great job keeping all of this "alive". I heard a California Congressman talking the other day about America's first ABM site. He was talking about the system that is supposed to be deployed this year 2004. It seems no one remembers much about the Nekoma site and all the hardwork at Kwajalein and Vandenburg.
Keep up the good work and thank you.
Ron Davis
Gilbert, AZ, USA - Monday, October 04, 2004
I was stationed at the MSR in the SOCC from the time the site opened until the spring of 1976. From there I went to Ft Devens MA and ETS'd late 1976. Appointed to the Boston Police and I am still there working as a Sergeant. I was very surprised to find this site. I would love to hear from old friends, Dick Waugh, Scanlon, Molly O'Connor and all the rest.
Frank Flynn
Boston , MA, USA - Monday, September 20, 2004
I was stationed at Calumet A.F.S. in 1969. I visited the area in the early 80's. There is something about the area that draws me back. Just yesterday I flew a small airplane from my home in central Wisconsin around the Kewenaw Peninsula and took a look at the old radar site. It sure brought back many memories. One of the most beautiful places I've seen.
Tom Ricchio
Iola, Wis, USA - Saturday, August 07, 2004
Excellent site.
Friday, July 23, 2004
I have just found your site while looking for information I am seeking for a book I am writing about Nekoma and the Site. Just going thru all this information and pictures brings back so many memories for me. I was a high school student and a resident of Nekoma during the times of building, operations and dismanteling. I spent many great times at the site and this is super! Not that I am trying to sell anything but Nekoma is having their Centennial Celebration in 2005 and I am presently writing a book about the time frame from 1969-1980. If anyone is interested in providing me with any information or is interested in a copy of the book which will be out in the Winter of 2004 please let me know! Feel free to e-mail me.
Jay Schmaltz
Rugby, ND, USA - Thursday, July 08, 2004
Original resident of Nekoma (son of the famous Mayor). Started in construction work at the site in 1971 and with interuption for 1 year to finish college, left in 1976 while working on the dismantlement.
John Verwey
Bismarck, ND, USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004
You have done a great job with this web site. I was a mp and arrived at the msr in oct 1974. My wife and I lived on the msr site in the housing. It was a very nice home. I was promoted to e5 in jan of 1975. Worked the rf in the trailers in langdon and the socc at the msr. I am sorry that I do not have any photos to share. I remember pfc jim bowers but have lost contact with all my buddies at the site. Thanks
John Armour

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New Caney, TX, USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004
I worked for Western Electric at the PAR and MSR sites from November 1971 until April 1972. Prior to my work at the site, I spent four years in Winston-Salem designing cable hardening system. My primary jobs, on site, were working with the water cooling systems for the radar equipment and work related to hardening of the cable installations. If anyone is interested, I have a photo of a full scale mockup of the cable systems coming down from the MSR antenna.
I enjoyed working on this project as much as any other in my 39 years with Western. I'll never forget the night the wind chill got down to -100 F. Coldest place I've ever been.
I remember Dan Cornelius who has an entry on this site's Bullentin Board. I believe I knew Dan's father who also worked there for Western.
I worked at the Point Breeze Works in Baltimore before signing up for this great project to help defend our country.
If anybody remembers me please drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you.
Ed Klevinski
Ed Klevinski
Clemmons, NC, USA - Friday, April 30, 2004
I worked at PAR from Nov 1972 thru Oct 1975. I was a Western Electric Engineer. My specialty was the Command and Control Subsystem. When I left I was working the revolving shifts as a Data Processing Maintenance Director.
Jerry Smith
Scottsdale, AZ, USA - Monday, April 26, 2004
I ran across this site looking for information on 30 year High School Reunions in Langdon. I lived in Nekoma and then in Langdon '73-75 w/ my Dad who was in the Army. He worked at the site and knew a number of the site commanders and the commercial company heads doing the work (Bell Labs etc.,). We relocated to Nekoma in Jan of '73 from Kwaj. I graduated high school and later returned to work for Federal Electric at the MSR and RSL. Moved away from ND in '75, went to college and got my eng degree.
David McKinney Jr.
Thursday, April 1, 2004
Great website! Brings back alot of old memories. I was an MP on site from June '74 until November '75. We didn't have anything to do when we got there, so we put together the Dayroom and built a playground in Langdon. I was supposed to be a security team squad leader, then somebody decided to look at my personnel file and discovered that I wasn't an U.S. citizen. I ended up driving Colonel Ton and General Mullens around. My wife (Diane) and I lived in Langdon because of a housing shortage on base. We shared a double-wide with Tim Durrack (MP), Laurie Goos (Medic), and Charlie Pomeroy (Dental Assistant). Wishing you all the best.
Chris Steigerwald
Chris Steigerwald
Troy, Michigan, USA - Friday, January 16, 2004
I was a senior security guard from 4 December 74 till 14 April 76, 1st Platoon, HHB/MP Co. I worked at one point or another at almost every location. I lived in the housing complex in Langdon.
Joe B. Barnett

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Saturday, January 10, 2004
I was the Chief Operations Sgt in the BMDOC at the MSR from Aug 1974 until May 1976. We have many fond memories of life at the site. It was the best Air Defense site duty I ever had. It was an opportunity to reconnect with a lot of old friends for me. My son John worked in the mess hall & my wife worked at the PX. We loved it all except the winters. I went back for a visit in 2001 & rekindled a lot of old memories. From Nekoma we went to Ft Knox, KY where I finished my career as the sergeant major of US Army Readiness region VI.
Frank Flavell

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Elizabethtown, KY, USA - Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Western Electric Engeneer 1973-1975 Initial testing of
the MSR
Ralph J Iverson
Corsicana, TX, USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003
Saw an earlier post about houses at the PAR. I just happened to have talked to someone who worked at the PAR. Evidently they moved a half dozen of the houses from Nekoma to the PAR after the shut down.
Bill Carrothers
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Friday, October 31, 2003
I was an MP there from January 1975 right out of AIT, until April 1976. Went on to Ft Belvoir as a White Hat until my tour was up. Am soon to retire from the Minn Air National Guard (25 years).
I worked sites #3 most of the time but also #2. Also got to work the Backup force in that trailer in Langdon once or twice. I'ts been so long, but I think I was 3rd platoon. 2nd floor, South end of the barracks. John Alexander Kay was my room mate. We usually hung out with David Stair. John is now a school teacher near Wyoming, Minn. David doesn't work, his dad owned 33 dry cleaning businesses in the twin cities. Dave was one of our older guys, he was drafted into the Army.
My room was second from the end on the East side, farthest from the PX.
Do you remember hanging our pop and lunch meat out our windows in bags during the cold weather because we didn't have fridges.
Remember going to watch movies in the PX complex. We had to sit on folding chairs because it was just a big hall. Also, the winters, high winds and no trees. Had to shovel out the inside of our cars as well as the outside before we could go anywhere.
Also remember going down to the 2nd floor North end for the poker games.
I don't have any pics from that time, but would be glad to receive some. I am putting together a portfolio and shadow box for my retirement and have some pics already that I downloaded from the regular Mil site about Nekoma and Stanley R.
MSgt William Carrothers, 148th Security Police/Forces Mn ANG, Duluth
Bill Carrothers

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Duluth, USA - Friday, October 31, 2003
I was a DAC assigned to the Safeguard program from May 1972 through February 1977. I was on site for most of the equipment installation, activation, and the start of the dismantling process. I worked in many areas. All over the MSR.
Charles Campbell

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Sierra Vista, AZ, USA - Monday, October 20, 2003
I was at this site in the 1970's and had a great time. I was a SSGT in the missile section and I retired as a Warrant Officer. I enjoyed the different opportunities of living in the big snow country. I still can remember the cold. I also enjoyed the hunting especially geese hunting. The fishing in North Dakota was fantastic.
Jim Whisman
Hinesville, GA, USA - Saturday, September 20, 2003
For an interesting article about UFOs in Iowa, see newspaper columnist Rob Bignell's "Forget Martians; how will we handle a 'new' truth?" at
Iowa City, Iowa, USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2003
I worked for Federal Electric at Nekoma from 3-73 until 10-74, as a hvac technician. It was a great experience, and I have many great memories. My present job takes me to the area a couple of times a year and always rekindles thoughts of the many people from all over the country that I worked with. Thanks for a great site!
Mark Nies
Crookston, MN, USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003
Hello, im Vanessa 15 years old and i am searching for my dad, all informations that i have are in my homepage. please take a minute and read it, maybe you can help me! Here is my homepage:

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Germany, Germany Germany - Monday, May 12, 2003
Great site! Neat design, good work, dude!!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2003
I was a teenage armybrat when my family moved to the MSR Base from San Francisco in the summer of '74. During High School I worked in the B.O.Q Mess Hall as a Cook. And after high school I worked for F.E.C. as a Purchasing assistant to Tom Charbonneau. It was there that I met my wife Carolyn. When they closed the base, we were offered jobs at PAR but I decided to go back to school. My Father, BG Robert "Moon" Mullens retired to Corpus Christie in the Summer of '76 rather than take a command in Germany. He is still alive and has a very good memory of those days and all of the people he worked with. He also has alot of printed info on the site including Personnel, and documents relating to his command there. This is a great site, please let me know how we can help.
David Mullens
Sherwood, Oregon, USA - Monday, April 21, 2003
WOW, what a blast from the past!! I was stationed at SRMSC 1975-1976. I was an MP, working at the MSR. I have a lot of pictures I took while up there and I will share them as soon as I can find them... This is a "GREAT" site, keep up the good work.. I think we need to have a SRMSC reunion some time. Maybe you could start a list serve of everyone who was stationed at the zone!! Take Care, John Thompson
John Thompson

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Bowie, Md, USA - Friday, April 18, 2003
Hi Chuck Angelo! This is John Tyson. Are you still flying crop dusters?
I was at the Safeguard site 1974-1976 as a 28M working in the Missile Maintenance Section installing and later removing the missiles from their cells. After I left Safeguard I went into HAWK maintenance and in 1989 retired as a HAWK Warrant Officer.
While stationed at the Safeguard site, I got into some of the best goose hunting in the world!
John Tyson
Monday, April 14, 2003
Very interesting and informative site. I am currently stationed back at the PAR site for my second military tour here.
I am curious about the comments made by Jim Spieth on 29 June 2001. He said that he was at the PAR up until the start of the site deactivation, and that he and his family lived on the site. The PAR site was never deactivated, but was turned over intact to the US Air Force in 1977. Military Family Housing did not exist at the PAR site during the Army days, so I am curious how he managed to live on the site with his family. Perhaps he meant to say the MSR complex.
Bruce Clark
Cavalier AFS, ND, USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003
My father was Robert S Berry and worked with Pan American operations from 72-76. We lived in Osnabrook and Edmore while I went to high school, moving from Melborne Fl. This was a total change of life for us. Dad passed away 3 years ago and I am sorry he is not able to see this, the memories are bringing both tears and smiles to me.
leigh (berry) mckimmie
Lebanon , TN, USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003
Great site. Wonderful overview of Safeguard deployment.
Paul Musgrave

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Bloomington, IN, USA - Sunday, February 16, 2003
My name is Robert L. Hastings and I have recently joined the Association of Air Force Missileers. For nearly thirty years, I have been engaged in a research project that may be of interest to missileers and security personnel.
Since 1974, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has been utilized by researchers to declassify thousands of documents relating to the U. S. Government’s unpublicized knowledge of the UFO phenomenon.
A number of these documents concern UFO sightings near ICBM Launch Facilities and Launch Control Facilities during the Cold War era. Specifically, the documents summarize reports by Security Alert Team members—as well as launch, targeting, and maintenance personnel—describing repeated observations of luminous, silent, disc-shaped craft capable of hovering and high-velocity flight.
The documents also confirm that while the UFOs maneuvered near the LFs and LCFs, they were frequently tracked on radar at several Air Force bases, including Malmstrom, Minot and Grand Forks. Furthermore, there are references to attempted intercepts of these objects by jet fighters.
Since 1973, I have interviewed nearly thirty former missileers and security personnel who have described personal experiences identical to those referred to in the documents.
To further my research, I am seeking information from former military personnel who were involved in, or may have heard about, an incident involving UFOs and ICBMs.
While I would prefer that my sources go on the record, I can assure those requesting anonymity of complete confidentiality. I would also welcome responses from persons who would just like to comment on my research.

or contact me at: 1 Six Range Point, Placitas, New Mexico 87043.
Robert Hastings
Placitas, NM, USA - Friday, January 03, 2003
Wonderful site. How do you find the time? ***
Cheryll and Jerry
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Thanks I have some pictures that I took of the spartins and sprints Torrey
Torrey Kloppenborg
Hastings, NE, USA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002
This site is really getting some attention. Great job. I remember working many long and cold hours in the missile fields. I worked for Maj Joe Morales as a missile maintenance tech. Dale Blacketter and Joe Morales were both in Frankfurt Germany after the site closed down. I met a few of them but soon lost touch after we left Germany. SFC Wade, SSG Ballonier, CW3 Peche, CW2 Murphy, and others in Missile Maint were great guys to work with.
Chuck Angelo

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Baltimore, MD, USA - Saturday, November 02, 2002
I served up at Nekoma from 1975 - 1976 as an MP. Spent most of my time at RSL #2 with Sgt. Gallager. What a most excellent place to work. I first was bunked in with Joe Auchus on the second floor with John Pulver across the hall and Toby Fuller next door bunked in with Chris Ruth. Kirk Davis was second floor north wing. He is presently at the Pentagon. Nearly lost his life in the 9/11 attack. He was in the far wing watching TV when the jet plowed into his section of the Pentagon, he's a LTC now. Ed Dobbertin is a Police Sgt. last time I heard and most likely a Lt. or above by now. He's in Arizona. I ended my time there with another PFC, Brian Levitt. Last I heard he had shipped out to State of Washington. How about Sgt. Russel Smith from Tenn. Anyone know his whereabouts? He and I used to play the harmonica downstairs near the front door to the enlisted barracks, next to medic Diane Wynns quarters. Alot of good talent up there. Shipped out to West Point with some others and ETS'd. I think a blue cloud still exists outside the barracks from when Joe mistakingly put his Pontiac into reverse instead of neutral while the rent a cop was chasing us. We had just returned from Langdon, playing football with the towns people and two bottles each of MD 20/20. GREAT TIMES up in Nekoma.
Tim Littlefield
North Miami , Florida, USA - Tuesday, October 29, 2002
I was one of the first MP's in June 74 to be stationed in Nekoma. I departed in July 1976. SSG Ed Hall notified me of this site. I contacted Lt. David Clutch in Memphis TN last year, but he did not remember me. Dan Snyder is a retired SGM MP US Army. SGM Albert Hester is also retired SGM MP. PBX Is 319-363-2052. I went into reserves for last 28 years and believe it or not made Chief Warrant Officer 4. I am also Desert Storm Vet. I am a Police Officer In Cedar Rapids, Iowa. John Pulver my old room mate is a Fire Chief here. Tim Littlefield is an Officer in North Miami. We need to all get together for a reunion. LTC Valimont UNK address. Capt Kelley UNK address. We need all addresses of all MP's. Paul Storhoff is US Marshall in Fargo. Albert Hester is retired SGM MP. Hal Gallos California Unk address. Mary Muhs (Snyder) Dan Snyders x-wife still lives in ND. I was stationed in Desert Storm with 136th QM BN from Desert Storm. They are from North Dakota. Mark Avery has been given this site. I visited Nekoma in 2000 and alot of memories came up. North Dakota was a military site that made a memory on all of us. Cold, Cold, and Cold, and Hot in Summer. I was at RSL 2 and 3. Second Floor with Tim Littlefield. Hal Gallos and then later John Pulver. Lets Get together again. Joe Auchus formally from Shickshinny, Penna.
Joseph Auchus

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Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002
Great site! I was an MP in NoDak from March 75' till August 76'. Joe Auchus notified me of this site. I lived across the hall from Joe (2nd floor, BEQ) until they moved us to the first floor and eventually to the BOQ (they had a kitchen for each two rooms). I recall the trips out and back to the remote sites, busting through drifts. I also recall (when I first arrived), that I spent several shifts in a trailer in Langdon as some kind of backup force. There was a married couple there (two MP's)? I must have liked the 24 on 48 off shifts. I have been working them the past 18 years as a firefighter in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I look forward to hearing from anyone that I knew back in NoDak.
John Pulver
Walford, IA, USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Great site. From "one who was there" back in the old Nekoma days (Military Police). Had a great time and worked with great people. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me, Ray Robinson, Terry Eisman, Bobby Bauer, Deb Larsen, or anyone else from the second floor. Keep in touch and stay safe. Brad
Brad Paul
Saco, ME, USA - Monday, October 14, 2002
The SRM ABM web page is great and getting more comprehensive all the time. Great work. It is important to keep this legacy alive. Many of the concepts and lessons learned are applicable to the ABM programs in progress today. I worked as an engineer for the BDM Corporation in support of SAFSEA at WSMR NM and SAFCA at Ft Huachucha AZ. During my tour of active duty, I was assigned to SAFSEA at WSMR as an operations research officer.
R Michael Walker
Colorado Springs, CO, USA - Monday, September 16, 2002
Wonderful web site! I have been researching the impact of the cold war on North Dakota for the past two decades. Detailed information on SRMSC has always been hard to find. Thank you!
Mark Sloan

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West Fargo, ND, USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002
I was there for the first missile in the ground and the last missile out. I was a 28M E-6 at the time. I retired in 89 as a warrant after going to the intelligence career field. Many cold days and nights clearing a silo to open it. This was a big change after Viet-Nam.
Chuck Angelo

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Crownsville, MD, USA - Tuesday, May 21, 2002
What a great site. We lived in Cavalier ND and I was an engineer for Western Electric and worked at PAR from 1972-1974. We had our first child there and it was a great place to live. I'm sure it will be the last time I could join the country club for $50/yr. We have not been back since, but hope to go back this summer. Gonna try a little Red River fishing. We did it about every day and actually caught fish!! Wonder if it's still like that. Several of the folks that went there to work decided to live there after. A pretty good testiment to what it was like.
Denis Abbott
Beaumont, TX, USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Yes, I was on duty, or coming on, that shift also, During the search for the 45, I located the 45 in the overhead ceiling panels upstairs above the Rec./Sleeping area washroom (latrine). (dirty foot print where the perp. stood on the urinal.) (see my email address in earlier comments)
Dale Whitacre
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Tuesday, March 12, 2002
Hi everybody,
I was an enlisted MP assigned to the Convoy and Escort Squad the whole time I was there. I helped move the first warhead in and helped move the last one out. Platoon Sergeant was SSG Edward Hall. One other convoy squad member was named Bill and forget his last name, but last I heard he was a police officer in Washington, PA. Interesting note: I just learned that Chaplain G.T. Gunhus, who was an LTC at the time, is now the Chief of Chaplains, U.S. Army, stationed at the Pentagon. He is now a Major General, but still goes by GT for those who knew him then. Do any of you former MP's remember the time when a SGT Allen allegedly took a .45 caliber pistol while on shift duty at the MSR? I had taken someone's shift as a favor and found myself on house arrest along with everybody else for 6 hours that morning. Would like to hear from anybody who remembers me and whom I might remember. One last note, my room was on the ground floor right alongside the clearing barrel. One time came off duty to find a bullet in between the panes of glass in my room. Never a dull moment in that place!
Bill Turner

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Woodbridge, VA, USA - Sunday, January 13, 2002
What a great web site! I am really enjoying browsing through all of the information. I was a Western Electric, Missile Field Test and Integration Engineer from 3/73 through 8/75. I spent many hours working in the RLOBs of all four RSLs in addition to time spent at the Missile Monitor and Test Console in the MSCB. The MSCB and RSL photo galleries really bring back some fond memories (and a few that are not so fond, like being stranded in the MSCB for 3 days during a blizzard). I don't know if I have any good pictures from there but am going to look though my archives. With President Bush's recent comments about the SALT treaty, perhaps we can do it all again. Thanks for such a great site.
Terry Roush

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Greensboro, NC, USA - Sunday, December 16, 2001
My dad worked for Western Electric and our family moved from NC to Langdon in 1972. I worked at both the MSR and PAR sites during the summers while I was in college. I worked as a corrosion control worker (fancy name for painter) as an employee for Federal Electric. It was a great job with great pay. I had a minimum security clearance so I had to have an escort wherever I went. When they decommissioned the MSR site I got to see where the generals were stationed. Just like out of a James Bond movie. We lived in Langdon but would go out to the MSR base and we played a lot of basket ball with the MPs. They were great guys. Langdon was a great place for a high schooler. This is a great site and I will be telling all my ND friends about it.
Dan Kornelis
Pfafftown, NC, USA - Friday, November 16, 2001
Well organized and very informative web site! I am a Historic Preservationist on contract to the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command. I was one of the team of historians that prepared the SRMSC Historic American Engineering Record (HEAR) documentation for the complex which you reference on the web site. I am also the primary author of the Draft SRMSC Historic Preservation Plan. I would love to talk to the developer of this web site. Please contact me!
Mark Hubbs

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Huntsville, AL, USA - Tuesday, October 23, 2001
Unfortunately I do not have any photos. I was a Staff Sgt. assigned to the MSR training group at Ft. Bliss Texas from 1971 to 1973 at which time we were disbanded. I held the 28N20 MOS. I worked for CW3 Darrel Black. After my time in Safeguard I was sent to the Bio Medical Electronic Maintenance school at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. I currently am in the Arizona Army National Guard. Great web page.
Frank A. Papasavas
Friday, September 21, 2001
this is a fantastic website! i am fascinated by the architecture and infrastructure of missile programs, and as a photographer, i continue to add to my growing number of fine art photographs of missile sites, etc. this site is a treasure trove of information and i sincerely appreciate all the work that went into it. thanks!!
jon reynolds
Denton, Texas, USA - Monday, September 17, 2001
I was an Equipment Readiness Officer at the PAR from the installation and test phase until the start of deactivation of the site. In addition I was the NBC Defense Coordinator for the PAR. My family and I lived on the complex. Your site is great. I was doing research for my Master's Program on data storage and it was very helpful. I will try and collect more information to forward to you.
Jim Spieth

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Cape Coral, FL, USA - Friday, June 29, 2001
This is a terrific site. If all the web were like this, I'd be happy as a bug.
Josh Pollack
Silver Spring, MD, USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2001
Your site is very well done. Following up on the
Ada Louise Huxtable quote, the mothballed
Safeguard site reminds me of the ruins of Persepolis
in Persia:
Brad McCormick

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Chappaqua, NY, USA - Tuesday, June 19, 2001
What a fantastic site!! As a retired USAFer, I'm a member of, and while looking over the sites in ND, I came across the link to this site! My wife and I are going to try to visit Cavalier AFS...we missed their open house a few weeks ago. We will certainly take a look at the remains of the Safeguard site. I have seen the word "mothballed" arise in the site...are most of the electronic components, command & control, etc., still on site? Would appreciate knowing... We now live near the former Calumet AFS, in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula, with 297" of snow so far this year! 37" on the ground in the front yard on 1 April!
Tom Scanlan
Copper Falls, MI, USA - Tuesday, April 03, 2001
As I was going through
the site and reading about the defense systems I notice that
the type of anti missiles that are being used in interference of any attacks like such. The idea that I came up with is somewhat similar but not quite to the extent of using missiles that explode when they are within range of the trajectories. I'm sure you all are familiar with an
EPM(electromagneticpulse). Instead of the spartan missiles
exploding when near a target, what if they released an EPM
charge strong enough to disable any electronic devices
within the attacking missiles. In turn disabling the missile
completely from detonation and also any fake deployments
from the attacking missiles that might get past the spartans
or the sprint missiles while approaching or entering our
atmosphere. I'm sure that there are a number of concerns
about developing this type of technology and I am confident
that our government has the ability to do just that. I am not looking forward to meeting anyone or discussing this any
further, but only to give ideas(if not already thought of) on issues that effect our countries well-being and safety. I appreciate you taking the time out to read this email and I hope that it gets in the hands of the right person who is
responsible for such actions being taken care of. If this
technology has been thought of or is already in beta please
discard this message.
Thank You,
U.S. citizen
Cross Williams
Chicago, IL, USA - Tuesday, March 27, 2001
I was talking to my son today about Safeguard and decided to see what I could find on the computer. The pictures of the sites were great and brought back many memories. I was housed in the enlist quarters which were south of the officers quarters. I remember getting there in Dec of 74 and was housed on the second floor on north end. I had come from Ft. Carson and thought I had see snow and cold. But, welcome to North Dakota. I remember keeping our beer in the window in the winter and pulling the black out shade down to keep cold. It was a good time and lots of memories. I wonder where Dave, Trisha, Mike, Toby, Chris and all the others from second floor are. I you know or remember those rowdies at the North end. Send me a message. I think I have some pictures and will see about scan and sending them.
Randy Beintema
Woodbridge, CA, USA - Sunday, March 25, 2001
2 winters, a 3 day blizzard stuck at a remote site.
120 miles for a big mac attack (Grand Forks).
It was a great time for a young wide eyed E2
who made it to SP4. Became a Husband and Father.
A commitment to never give up a warhead at any cost,
24 hours on, 48 hours off. I'll never forget.
Was never so alive at 70 above or 40 below with a
wind chill at 100 below.
(The low large building just east of housing were offices
the BOQ was north of the PX / community building.
I'll see if I can help with any of the other photo's.
So many memories. Thanks.
Whitacre, D. E

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Marietta, OH, USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2001
Interesting site. I vividly recall the buzz of activity associated with the ABM complex while stationed at Grand Forks AFB from 1974-1978. As a member of the 321st Security Police Group's eval team, I spent a considerable amount of time in the field with our Minuteman III (MM III) security forces. As some may recall, the MM III missile field stretched essentially from the I-29 in the east to Devil's Lake in the west, and from the Canadian border in the north to I-94 in the south. The ABM complex was located (for obvious reasons) in northern third of the MM III field, an area controlled by Launch Control Facility's (LCF) Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo and Foxtrot. Your photo of LCF D-0 brought back fond memories of shootin' a few hoops and spirited volley ball games with onsite personnel til 2200-2300L during the summer months. My few encounters with our Army brethren were brief but professional. In 1975, while D-0's water system was under repair, we'd stop by the LCF when in the area and, if needed, run the water buffalo and pumpkins up to the MSR site to get filled. The soldiers there were always more than willing to assist. Also, after setting up an eval scenario at a nearby Launch Facility (LF) which housed a MM III, my colleague and I would oftentimes drive over to one of the RSLs and chat with the MPs. RSL 2 and 3 were fairly close to a couple of our favorite LFs. But, by 1977, all was quiet except for the PAR site, which is still active today under AF Space.
D. Wildey
Thursday, February 22, 2001
My husband called this AM providing me with the site address. I didn't give it a thought as he did not tell me what it was for. Our son brought it up and said cool at that point I looked. I could not believe what I was seeing this was a response when you first arrived at the MSR site. I too was there from Dec 73 to May 75 as an MP. The site holds many memories that are fond to recall, it was a time to remember running through the MSR on alert, spending long hours sitting at the main entrance checking badges. The many people that were are part of our lives. We have always wondered what have happened to everyone. I have met a doctor that worked the PAR site at that time he was an engineer, we knew what each other was talking about, not many people know or have experienced the MSR the remote sites. The SAT and BAF alerts, watching the jack rabbits set off the sensitive alarms. Everything comes flooding back at the thought of the site.
Penny Peterson Preston
Penny Preston
Van Hornesville, NY, USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2001
I loved to see all pictures from the site.I was a military policeman there.I worked at a RSL.I have pictures from there if anyone is intrested let me know.I can't wait to tell my wife what I found.Is there any type of reunions for the people involved?Let me know if there is anything I can do to keep this web page going.
Gregory S Preston
PO Box 85 Vanhornesville, NY, USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2001
Great site! I have referred it to my father; he was a software engineer for Western Electric/Bell Laboratories who worked on the radar and targeting systems for NIKE-ZEUS, SENTINEL, and SAFEGUARD. Unfortunately, he dosen't really seem interested in contributing his memories, but I'm working on him. ;-)
Allan Bourdius

Home Page>
Pittsburgh, PA, USA - Wednesday, January 10, 2001
Great job on the site. I remember the first time I got EAMs that were for your system. We put them in classified waste because they didn't work for us. It caused some confusion but we got through it. It made a sim war more interesting. As far as training went - we learned from it! I also remember the code words NORAD sent to you. They came to us for info. Thanks, your site brings back a lot of memories.
Bob Kendig

Home Page>
Tampa, FL, USA - Sunday, December 10, 2000
I was assigned to the Safeguard ABM Site at Nekoma from early 1974 to May 1976. It was a great experience and I had the pleasure of working with some of the best people the Army had to offer as well as from the civilian technical industry. I also have fond memories of the local residents that I had the opportunity of meeting while there. I was a Technician (Army Chief Warrant Officer) and worked in the same section as Clint Esckilsen. He worked in the Sensor (Radar) area and I worked on the Data Processing and Nuclear Employment Authority/Launch Enable secure systems. I wonder if Clint still has that Minnesota Goose Gun that he bought while we were there. I am also in E-mail contact with Joe and Susan Morales and have sent them this web address so maybe they will be checking in soon. Joe was Missile Hardware and Maintenance Officer. He was a Major then. This Web site is really good and informative as well as being entertaining. I am sure that it will take several visits to digest the whole thing. It will also be nice to come back and visit the guest book on occasion to see who has been checking in, and maybe we can get a reunion set up.
"Shoot em all down and sort em out on the ground."
James M. (MIKE) Lavka

Karlsruhe, BW Germany - Thursday, December 07, 2000
I know the creator of this web site personally. He has done a great job on this web site. Very talented.
Jerry Buchanan

St. Louis, MO, USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2000
Very interesting site. I remember the Safeguard
system being developed and appreciate being able
to read the information you have made available.
Martin Ackroyd

Bristol, UK - Thursday, November 23, 2000