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Safeguard Memorabilia Gallery 1

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Framed Spartan patch and Sprint launch photo.
(248 x 325 = 16k) Show | Omit descr (004047)
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Collection of Gene Yee
From Gene Yee:
I acquired this item from a former employee/contractor assigned to the ABM project on Kwajalein Atoll. As far as I know, these were personal pics, so these are probably unique. The dimensions (H x L) of the framed photo/patch are: 18" x 14" with the Sprint print approx 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" (It's an oddly shaped matt opening, but that's the viewable print size.) The Spartan patch has a diameter of 4 1/2" from point to point.

Closeup of the Spartan patch in photo 001.
(621 x 590 = 75k) Show | Omit descr (004049)

Safeguard paper weight (front).
(414 x 295 = 22k) Show | Omit descr (004051)
(836 x 595 = 74k) Show | Omit descr
Collection of Gene Yee
From Gene Yee:
It looks to be a clear lucite material, with the 2 metal plates with the sketches and historical description sandwiching a thin wooden plate inside. The dimensions (H x L) are: 3 1/2" x 5" with a thickness of 3/4".

Safeguard paper weight (rear).
See photo 003 for details.
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Scale model of Sprint missile at the White Sands Missile Range Museum (2003).

Spartan and Sprint missile models.
Located at the White Sands Missile Range Museum.
(214 x 320 = 20k) Show | Omit descr (004530)
(469 x 700 = 55k) Show | Omit descr
Photo by Larry Bell

<$ Safeguard paper weight.
From Alan Bourdius:
My dad has a neat 3D lucite Safeguard paperweight that contains little pewter models of the PAR and MSR inside!
From George Rasi:
I have one of these; it's a memento that IBM put together when we were at the end of the turn over phase of the project. It was near the end of the project, and some of us that were still working on the project were lucky enough to receive them.
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Photo by George Rasi

Safeguard Zippo lighter.

Charm bracelet with "Sprint / Kwajalein" charm.

Ham radio Kwajalein QSL card.
Used to confirm contact between amateur radio operators.
Missing text from back photo:
QSL confirms a 10 meter SSB QSO in 1968.
(400 x 300 = 27k) (front) Show | Omit descr (004057)
(400 x 300 = 27k) (back) Show | Omit descr (004058)
Photo from Gene Yee

SRMSC Post Tag.
Displayed on your vehicle to allow access to SRMSC facilities.
Size 8" x 4".
From Frank Flavell:
That looks like an ordinary post tag. The metal plate was likely provided by the vehicle owner because he did not like putting stickers on his bumper. The thing under the sticker is probably the previous post tag, they expired and had to be renewed every few years. The tags were used for POV's owned by site members. They were to identify vehicles owned by those who worked there. On any military post, cars allowed on post are required to display a post tag. Nowadays it's a DOD sticker posted in the windshield, with the name of the installation on a separate sticker under the main one, and the expiration date (month and year) also displayed. The color of the sticker usually tells you what the status of the owner is. Blue for officers, red for enlisted, green for civilian employees, and black for contractors. Since the lettering on this one is black, I assume it was for a contractor.
(523 x 295 = 082k) Show | Omit descr (004059)
(850 x 479 = 184k) Show | Omit descr
Collection of Gene Yee