Hi everybody
Seems hard to believe we're coming up on the third anniversary of the
reunion this July.
If you enjoyed the reunion dinner theater, the Nekoma Coliseum could now
use your help.
The Coliseum is in need of renovations. A fund raising dance will be
held there on Saturday April 27 at 8:00pm, featuring 50's and 60's
music, a desert bar, raffle, silent auction and the Pain Reliever will
have a bar set up. All proceeds will go towards fixing up the Coliseum!
If you can't make it and want to help us out, cash donations, raffle
items or silent auction items are greatly appreciated. Contact me at
(701) 256-2761 for more details on donating items. For cash donations,
make your check payable to City of Nekoma and mail to me (address
Facebook page for the dance
(new window).
No news yet on the unknown winning bidder ($530,000) in the GSA's sale
of the MSR complex.
Thanks for your help!
Janet Schill
1400A 3rd St.
Langdon, ND 58249
Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 23:39:42 (CDT)
The Cavalier Air Force Station (PAR) is building a BBQ patio outside their lounge called the "Moose". They are raising the money to do this by selling bricks. The bricks will be engraved with the donor's name or whatever you want on it.
JC Schill Photography purchased a brick with "SRMSC Reunion 2010" on it as a way to thank them for the tours and open house they provided for us. If anyone is interested in helping them out or looking for a way to say "thanks" by purchasing a brick for $25, please contact
Scott Holmquist for more information.
I was down at the PAR site yesterday to take a picture of the squadron before they start getting shipped out. The Site Commander, Lt. Col. John Thomas will be leaving in June. They are a great bunch of people and were great to work with on the 2010 reunion.
Janet Schill, Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 09:11:05 (CDT)
Just wanted to let everyone know on this forum that I still have some SRMSC Commemorative Coins and DVD media pack bundles for sale left from the 2010 reunion. If you are interested in either one of these, either email me directly or order thru the
order page on this website.
Janet Schill, reunion "Project Manager"
Nekoma, ND USA - Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 00:58:42 (CDT)
You are invited to watch a special
video presentation created by JC Schill Photography for SRMSC Reunion - Langdon, ND!
Thanks and enjoy the show!
Janet Schill, Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 11:59:11 (CDT)
I've posted a slideshow of some of my
reunion photos to youtube. The video is almost 7 minutes long and the streaming may be interrupted, so you may want to let it load completely and then watch it. Again, thanks for hosting such a wonderful reunion event.
Bill Jerome

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USA - Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 16:35:08 (CDT)
Thanks to the reunion committee -- great job! We had a great time! It was great to be back in Nekoma for a visit!
Charles and Laverne Campbell

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Sierra Vista, AZ USA - Friday, July 23, 2010 at 14:39:28 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
Well, I finally got my pictures up on the website. Go to
JC Schill Photography
then go to the "Links" page and click on "Event and Portrait Ordering Gallery".
I can't tell you all enough what a privilege it was to organize this event for you. It was wonderful to see so many attend and reconnect with old friends. If anyone wants to send me their photos from the event, I'm going to try later this fall to put them together on a cd. Nothing fancy, just something to remember the weekend by. And it won't happen until late fall or early winter. With the hot weather, canola harvest is just right around the corner.
Also, there is a
facebook group
already set up for the SRMSC and I will be using the email addresses you have already given me to send you all an invite to join the group.
The commemorative wine that I ordered for the event with our "looking back" label showed up on Monday (of course). If anyone is interested there is Chardonnay or Merlot. The wine is cheap enough at $20/bottle but the shipping (checked yesterday) would be $15 USPS. If you wish to splurge and want a bottle, just email me and we'll work our the details. There are six bottles of each.
Again, it was a wonderful weekend that made for wonderful memories. Please keep in touch whether it be here on this forum, facebook or snail mail or in person. And as Bob Hope would sing..."Thanks for the Memories"!
Janet Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 07:17:54 (CDT)
All I can say is, WOW, what a great weekend!! Janet, you go girl! You have "Nekoma/Safeguard citizen of the year" locked up. The weekend rated a "10" but you deserve a "15."
The weather with its low humidity, the flat country farm lands and good ol' North Dakota hospitality brought back memories. From Friday evening's registration through the PAR site tour to the dinner theatre, the events just kept getting better and better. The meals were fantastic. My Pain Reliever T-shirt is one-of-a-kind back home. Dave Novak, we owe a lot to you for starting the web site. Thanks for your interest and computer skills. I vote to do it again in a few years.
Edward Rigby
USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 18:33:26 (CDT)
First and foremost, a big THANK YOU to Janet Schill and company for putting on a wonderful reunion. I know putting one of these together is very time consuming and difficult at best, but you pulled it off and you should be very proud of your accomplishment. Thanks to the village of Nekoma for its hospitality, an RV parking spot and the welcome we felt. Outstanding Job Janet and we salute you.
Fellow MP's- it was great to see those of you who made it. Nate Bridges, you did an outstanding job of storytelling and you were the best speaker by far. Those of you who did not make it, missed some great food, entertainment and the opportunity to see old friends. We missed you.
Bob Rickert
St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 11:09:38 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
I just want to thank everyone for coming to the reunion. The attendance was better than I could have ever hoped for when I first started planning this event. I so enjoyed finally putting faces to all the names. You are truly an awesome bunch of people. I wish I could have had more time to visit with each and everyone of you.
Be patient with me as things are still a little crazy around here, but I will get my pictures up on my website www.jcschillphotography.com sometime this week. After I downloaded them I realized that I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked. Every time I grabbed my camera someone grabbed me for something else I guess.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed your trip down memory lane as much as I enjoyed being your "project manager". LOL If you are ever back up in the area be sure to look me up. And for those of you interested, you can read the article that was published in the
Grand Forks Herald
on Sunday.
Janet Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 20:42:56 (CDT)
Many thanks to Janet Schill, Dave Novak, reunion sponsors, and the entire Safeguard Reunion Committee for coordinating and hosting the reunion. Having worked on the project remotely from North Carolina , it was a wonderful experience to actually see what remains of the construction, but more importantly to have met those that attended the reunion and sharing stories about the design, manufacture, construction, installation, support, and operation of the system. It was also great to have met local residents who made me feel so welcome. I will always cherish the memories and having made new friends, and will hopefully get to return someday.
Bill Jerome,
Western Electric - Project Management
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USA - Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 17:54:18 (CDT)
Hoping everyone who made it to the reunion had a great time. Sorry I couldn't make it. Our oldest daughter is over seas at Manas AFB, the R & R base for the guys in Afghanistan. So we have the granddaughters and the dogs for the summer. We were looking forward to coming to see what was left of RLS 2 & 3, my old stomping grounds.
Bill Carrothers, 3rd Platoon, MP's. MSgt retired MN ANG.

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USA - Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 10:46:23 (CDT)
My congratulations to the Reunion Team for their effort in organizing the First Reunion. Unfortunately, I am obligated to attend a family wedding in Denver the same day.
I will be traveling to North Dakota on the following Monday to visit old friends like Bernie and Carol Goodman. Carol was our PR person during the time I was there. I look forward to driving around town to see how things have changes over the last 35 years. I have always spoken kindly about the wonderful people that I met during my time in Langdon. I loved the people and learning about the farming culture in the area. Having been raised in the desert, it took a while to get use to the cold, but before long, me and the kids were out in our snowmobile suits doing what the natives do.....enjoy the winter sports.
Hope to see some of you soon. My wife and I will be checking into the Langdon Motor Inn on either Monday night or Tuesday night, (July 12-13) depending on how long it takes to drive from Denver to Langdon.
Bob and Cherie Gamboa

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Las Cruces, NM USA - Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 10:34:22 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
Just in case you might not know about it, the Spartan missile in Langdon city park is worth a visit while you're in the area.
Map Photo1 Photo2 Photo3
Dave Novak,
Reunion Committee
USA - Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 12:05:38 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
OK everybody, it's time to get geared up and ready for some fun! Only 2 weeks until the big event! Everything here is all lined up and ready to go.
If you are coming in on Friday, please stop by and register, and we would love it if you also pitched in to help set up the memorabilia display, tents, etc. And of course cruise around town and visit, visit, visit! There will be BBQ's and taco-in-a-bag available during the day at the Pain Reliever sponsored by the reunion committee. It's just on a free will offering thing, so come help yourself anytime during the day.
I've got 4 buses lined up to haul us around to the MSR site and PAR and back. We will do the group photo by the pyramid as soon as we get to the site so that's out of the way.
There are still sites available in Nekoma to park RV's. I was just informed by the city council that they also have 2 sites with full hook-ups. The rest don't have any hook-ups. If you need a spot, just let me know and I'll put your name on the list. There are restrooms at the park but no showers.
The band is geared up and excited to play for us on Saturday night. Friday night will be fun filled with the "Sharing the Memories" under the tent followed by Karaoke. A good time for sure! I can't wait to meet all of you that I've been corresponding with and of course seeing all of you that I do remember from "ahem" 30 some years ago. I'll be the one walking around with a drink in one hand and a camera in the other hand! I'll be posting pictures from the weekend on my website for all to enjoy and order if you wish.
And in case I haven't told you all yet, it's been a pleasure organizing this event for you. It is all about you, and I hope you enjoy your visit back to Nekoma.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 13:46:16 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
I'd like to remind everyone attending the reunion about the silent auction we're planning.
Please bring along an item for the auction -- something from where you are currently living is a nice idea or something your state or area is known for.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 22:31:52 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
The dinner theater is sold out, but we have room for 30 spectators to watch the play but not eat. The cost to just watch the play is $5.
Food will be available at the Pain Reliever Bar and Grill or from a food vendor.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 15:12:38 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
There are 7 tickets left for the dinner theater. Cost will be $15 per person, payable when you check in at the reunion.
The menu has been decided on. It's roast pork, baked potatoes, french cut green beans with onions, salad, dinner rolls, and cake.
To reserve your dinner theater tickets, please
email me.
We do have room for 30 people to attend the play without eating. These seats will be on benches along the walls and upstairs in the balcony. There will only be one show as some of the participants are attendees.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Monday, May 31, 2010 at 17:42:09 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
I'm starting a list for those that want to park their self-contained RV's in Nekoma for the weekend.
If you'd like to reserve a parking site, please
email me.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 14:35:31 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
If you'd like to order reunion shirts, please be aware of the following dates:
May 30 - Last day to order shirts to be shipped
June 15 - Last day to order shirts to be held for pickup at the reunion
Payment must be received within 7 days after the above cutoff dates.
Ordering info
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 17:30:29 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
I just heard today that the Main St. Motel in Langdon has closed its doors. I haven't heard what they plan on doing for the folks that have already made reservations for the reunion this summer. If you have reservations there, you'll need to make other plans.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Monday, May 24, 2010 at 16:11:51 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
A reunion
event schedule is now available.
May 15th article from Grand Forks Herald:
40 years since march at Nekoma missile site
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 17:42:33 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
Hello everyone! After meeting the bunch from the Cavalier PAR site, I have some more information on the tour for you. First off, a reminder that you need your ID to get on the site. Also, the Radar building is not handicap accessible. All cameras, cell phones, jackknives, and flash drives or other electronic devices cannot be taken into the Radar building.
That said let's move on to the interesting stuff. We are projecting that the buses should arrive at the PAR site about noon. They will be running 3 tours an hour with 15 people per tour. You will be bused from the heritage center, where you will be briefed on the tour, to the radar building. You will be required to sign a liability waiver when you sign in for the tour. Tour times are limited in order to get everyone thru so you are asked to please keep the questions to a minimum during the tour and personnel will be available to answer your questions in more detail at the heritage center. The program will be at 1:00 with guest speakers still to be determined. There will be a concession stand set up for you to purchase lunch and munchies. They are also working on getting a band for afternoon entertainment. The buses will depart for Nekoma about 4 p.m. so everyone will be back in town by 5:00.
If you have not done so yet, please email me at

for your dinner theater reservations. If we sell out, we will consider adding a second show on Friday night.
If you are going to be around on Friday, please come and enjoy a semi-lazy day. We will be setting up the stage for the street dance and the tents. Extra hands are welcome. We will have chili burgers and taco-in-a-bag available for lunch at the Pain Reliever from 11 to 4 or so. If you have memorabilia that you want to share, please do so. Friday night under the tent will be a fun filled evening for remembering and sharing. I am working on having the MSR site open on Friday for visitors. I'll keep you posted on that.
Please remind anyone that you know that plans to attend that hasn't registered to register. Only the registered attendees will have a seat on the buses. We also need to know numbers to plan for supplies. Also, if you know of someone that might be interested in attending, pass along the reunion information. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please email me.
It's going to be a great time and I can't wait to meet all of you!
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Monday, May 3, 2010 at 22:54:37 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
While you're in the Nekoma area, if you'd like to take some extra time to visit the four RSL's, here are some
maps to help you find them.
Dave Novak,
USA - Monday, April 26, 2010 at 23:21:55 (CDT)
I am looking for Jim and Marge Sewell who were friends of my parents during our tour in 1969-71. Dad was an Engineer with Army COE at the PAR site 1969-1970.
Oscar Adams
USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 07:55:26 (EDT)
I realize that Saturday will be a full day with plans to visit the operational PAR site and that the MSR is not operational and in ill repair. After viewing the video by Ron Plante in the media kit, I was wondering if it would be possible to arrange a tour of the MSR and missile field Friday morning for anyone interested in seeing things up close? I don't think it would be necessary to provide transportation, but it would be nice if someone from the military could be there to provide access to the grounds if not access to the building which might be off limits due to safety. Since Jan and I supported the project from WECo in North Carolina and never had an opportunity to see the site, we would like to see the facility up close.
Bill Jerome

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USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 23:45:18 (EDT)
Official Reunion Update:
I don't know if many of you know this, but the ND State Historical Society has preserved one of the Minuteman Missile sites here in ND.
More information. I thought those of you who are planning a few extra days in their reunion trip might want to take the opportunity to visit it. It's located just north of Cooperstown. They are open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Also, it doesn't sound like we are going to get any buses from the Grand Forks Air Base so we will be renting buses. If I don't raise enough money in the next few months, I'll have to charge $4-$5 per person to cover that expense. I'll know more about that in May. If that happens, I'll collect that when you register at the reunion. We are planning one more fundraiser at the Pain Reliever Bar and Grill in Nekoma before we start springs work.
Thanks for all your great support and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in July!
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Monday, March 29, 2010 at 21:34:10 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
Attention! We are in need of a a few volunteers to be pulled from the audience at the dinner theater to tell about an experience that they had in Nekoma. Nothing long, just a few words to help everyone re-live the experience.
Please email me at

to volunteer and explain a bit about the experience you want to share, and I'll pass it on to the director of the play.
I also want to thank all of you for your enthusiasm about the reunion. I can't wait to see all of you in July!
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Monday, March 22, 2010 at 16:30:22 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
I will be ordering the Commemorative Coins later this week. I have 150 spoken for, so I will be ordering 300. If you have previously emailed me to request a coin and you have not sent in your payment, please do so soon. Check or money order payable to "SRMSC Reunion" should be mailed to:
SRMSC Reunion
1400A 3rd St.
Langdon, ND 58249
Coins can still be ordered
Tickets are also still available for the dinner theater on Saturday night (July 10). Cost is estimated to be $15 per person. Reservations can be made via email to
We would also like to have everyone that is coming for the reunion to bring along an item for a silent auction. Something from where you are currently living is a nice idea. Something your state or area is known for or should be known for.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 18:45:03 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
For those of you who have already ordered Safeguard commemorative coins via email, please send your check or money order to:
SRMSC Reunion
1400A 3rd St.
Langdon, ND 58249
Please write "x coins" on your check or money order (x = number of coins you're ordering).
Price: $10 each. Coins will be available around May 1, and can be held for pickup during reunion registration on July 9 and 10, or shipped for an additional charge of $2.50 per order ($6.00 to addresses outside the US).
If you include the shipping charge in your payment, shipment will be to the return address on your payment envelope.
For any future coin orders, please use the
reunion merchandise order form.
Thanks for your great response on the coins and dinner theater!
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 22:37:55 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
We will be ordering the coins. Additional information on payment will be sent as soon as the coin order is finalized. Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest.
Janet Lebrun Schill
On July 10, 2010, a dinner theatre will be held at the Nekoma Coliseum in conjunction with the Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex Reunion. The dinner theatre organizers are looking for those who will be in attendance at the reunion who would like to share a talent with the audience. The dinner theater itself will truly be a show within a show, so if you are interested in sharing a musical talent (instrumental, voice), theatrical monologue, etc. please consider sharing it by being a part of the show. The organizers are looking for talents approximately 2-3 minutes in duration. Please contact me via email for more information (use subject heading of 'Nekoma.'). Thank you for your time and consideration in making the reunion so special!
Aly Wilhelmi
Nekoma, ND USA - Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 18:40:14 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
I just received word yesterday that we are going to get a couple of buses from Grand Forks AFB for the tours of Cavalier Air Force Station (PAR), and there will be a B-52 flyover coming from Minot AFB.
Everything is pretty well set, and if anyone is interested in participating in the dinner theater on Saturday night, please let me know. Also, we are going to be taking reservations for the dinner theater as there is limited seating and those that have registered for the reunion have the first opportunity to reserve seats. I believe the cost will be $15 per person.
Also, I would like to know if anyone would be interested in a
Commemorative Coin. A 1 1/2" coin depicting the Safeguard symbol and the two radar sites can be gotten for $10. We have to order a minimum of 100, so it's an investment I only want to make if I can get them sold.
If you'd like to attend the dinner theater and/or buy a Commemorative Coin, please let me know via email. I appreciate all the feedback you folks have been giving me.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 16:58:23 (CST)
I received notification today from Tim Troxel about the death of Joe Morales on November 27, 2009. Joe served at SRMSC.
If anyone would like to send a card, the address is Susan Morales, 3645 Plantation Grove, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.
Visitation and Rosary will be on Monday night (Nov 30) at St. Patrick's and the funeral mass will be Tuesday morning (Dec 1) at 10:00 AM. Burial at Arlington on January 29th, 2010.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 14:42:33 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
We have the reunion shirts designed, and they are ready to be ordered. All shirt orders must be submitted and paid for by May 30th, 2010 in order to allow production time.
A media pack is also available and ready to be shipped. It contains two DVD's and a photo CD about ABM development, Safeguard, and SRMSC.
All proceeds from the sale of these items will help cover reunion expenses.
More information and ordering instructions can be found
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Friday, November 27, 2009 at 21:55:10 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
Some of you are looking for a schedule of events for the reunion and I'm working on that. Harvest is running about 3 weeks behind normal this year but the end is in sight. I will be meeting with a Capt. from the PAR site at Cavalier to finalize the details of the tours sometime in Oct. We need to determine how long the bus tour will take and then determine how many buses to hire to transport everyone who wants to go on the tours. To cover the cost of the buses and drivers we will be charging $5 per person for the tour.
Other than the dinner theater at 6 p.m. and the street dance at 9 we have not scheduled any other activities. There will be a display of photos and other memorabilia set up either at the fire hall or the Coliseum. If anyone has anything they want to share, please let me know. If anyone has any suggestions for the day, please share them. I am anticipating that everyone will want plenty of time to visit and reconnect.
One idea I had was to take a group photo of the attendees out at the site on the grass slope of the pyramid. The best time to do this would be about 8:00 p.m. between the dinner theater and the street dance.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 21:48:17 (CDT)
I'm an Army Air Defender attending graduate school at the University of Virginia en route to a history instructor position at West Point. I noticed on the srmsc.org website that you're organizing a reunion of the Safeguard battalion personnel. This summer, I'm putting the finishing touches on my M.A. thesis on the history of the Safeguard missile defense program, and I would love to interview any willing Safeguard vets on their experiences with the system. I especially want to focus on the circumstances surrounding the system's untimely demise in 1975-1976. Please contact me at

if you are interested in conducting an interview before the middle of August. Thanks much!
Joseph C. Scott, Captain(P), US Army
Second-Year Graduate Student, Corcoran Dept. of History, University of Virginia
USA - Thursday, July 9, 2009 at 13:08:36 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
list is now available of those registered for the 2010 SRMSC reunion in Nekoma. If you'd prefer to have your name/affiliation removed from the list, please let us know via email to

Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Friday, June 19, 2009 at 21:15:34 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
We are looking for help in designing a logo and slogan for the reunion that we can use for t-shirts. If anyone out there is creative, please help us out. Ideas can be sent to me
here. We also decided to hold a dinner theater on Saturday night too. We did this for the centennial a few years ago and it was a big hit. The idea for the production is "Nekoma had talent". We have some great local talent so it will be very good. If anyone who is coming up for the reunion wants to participate, just let me know and I'll put you in contact with the girls that are writing and producing the show.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 11:28:00 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
Tonight we met with the Nekoma Booster Club and they are as excited about the reunion as we are. Clint Esckilsen has agreed to help put a CD together containing information and pictures about the site that we will offer for sale to help raise funds to cover the expenses of the reunion. This CD cannot be done without your help. Some of you have already sent in some pictures and facts and stories about the site and we are asking for more. Remember, I was just in grade school when you all were here so unless you want the CD to be all about what happened at the grade school you had better send in some more stuff. LOL Please send in anything you want shared. This site was a big part of the cold war history in this country and not too many people really understand what it was all about. If you want to submit pictures, you can send full (not compressed) digital files or mail in the pictures with your name and address on the back so they can be returned. Clints email address is

. If you want to mail anything in, send it to the SRMSC Reunion, 1400A 3rd St., Langdon, ND 58249. Thanks again for your responses and please pass the word on about the reunion. Let's see how many people we can get to come.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 20:30:00 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
The list of lodging and camping facilities for the reunion is now available. Click
here to see it.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 12:46:18 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
Hey Everybody,
Just wanted to let you know that just because you signed up earlier for the emails for the reunion does not mean you are registered for the reunion. Also, when
sending in your registration we need your mailing address, affiliation, email address and the number planning to attend.
Also, we have been getting some info and photos from the site emailed in to us. One of the ideas to share all this with everyone is to put it all on a CD for the people that want it. We need your feedback on this idea.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 14:04:24 (CDT)
Official Reunion Update:
Ok, we are now ready to start the official registration for the reunion. I need everyone who wants to register to send an email that includes their name, address, email address, the affiliation to SRMSC (ex. Army, Air Force, Local, Western Elec., Lockhead, ) and the number planning to attend.
Bob and I are thinking that we will need about $5000 to cover the rent of tents, tables, chairs, port-a-potties, and the band. We are going to be doing some local fundraising for this so we don't have to charge a registration fee. If anyone wants to contribute they can send it to Janet Lebrun Schill, 1400A 3rd St., Langdon, ND 58249.
We are still in the process of compiling a list of lodging and camping available that we will send out hopefully in April.
There will be a registration that day at the colisieum on Main Street. There will be tents with table and chairs set up along main street for people to gather and visit. There will be food and beverages available from various venders all day and night. If anyone has pictures or stories that they want to share, we were thinking of setting up displays in the colisieum too. There will be a street dance in front of the Pain Reliever Bar from about 8 till 2. We are also planning to have buses in town to take people on tours of the site and also the Cavalier Site if we can arrange it.
If anyone has any questions or comments, just let me know and I'll try to help you out. We are looking forward to seeing you all again! Oh, I almost forgot, if anyone had Bob Wilhlemi for a teacher he would love to hear from you. He's not real good at the email thing so you can send it thru the reunion email "attention B. Wilhelmi" and I'll get it to him.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 11:08:34 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
We are going to start the media advertising for the 2010 reunion soon. We are going to start out with an article in the local paper and then try for some coverage from the Grand Forks and Fargo TV stations. If anyone has any suggestions on how we can get the word out further we would love to hear your suggestions.
The plans so far are to rent a tent for Main Street along with tables and chairs. Have some sort of registration set up in the Nekoma Colisiuem, and arrange for buses to take people out to the site and possibly the Cavalier Par Site for tours. A Street Dance is also being planned for the evening.
Any suggestions from you guys are always welcome.
Oh, I'm also compiling tibits of information about the site and the people that some of you have been sending me. Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet but it's interesting to see what people remember.
Janet Lebrun Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 11:17:06 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
Hey everybody,
The date for the 2010 reunion has been set for Saturday, July 10th, 2010 in Nekoma.
We'll be posting information on hotels and campsites soon, so be sure to sign up for the mailing list. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for activities for the day, please let us know.
Janet Lebrun Schill &
Bob Wilhelmi,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 21:39:58 (CST)
Western Electric - Montgomery, IL: Anyone out there aware of a monthly reunion?
USA - Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 09:54:54 (CDT)
I am trying to find D Barnes. Does anyone have a good phone number for him? He was Major Barnes but we all called him Dee. He can email me at

David A Sobel

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San Antonio, Tx USA - Friday, February 29, 2008 at 08:13:52 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to let you folks know that reunion plans are underway for the summer of 2010 in Nekoma, ND. More details will be posted as they develop, so please sign up for the mailing list.
Thanks and hope to see you in 2010!
Janet Schill,
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Thursday, February 25, 2008 at 23:10:28 (CST)
Official Reunion Update:
Forum entries after (above) this one relate to the planned 2010 reunion.
Forum entries before (below) this one relate to the 2006 reunion that did not take place.
Reunion Committee
Nekoma, ND USA - Thursday, February 25, 2008 at 23:10:28 (CST)
My wife and I were on a sort of self-guided tour of North Dakota last week, and as we drove west on ND Route 5 we saw a structure behind a fence. I had absolutely no idea what it was: the only identification was the sign that said that it was the property of the US Army, and that it was RSL 3. We got out and looked through the fence, and tried to guess its purpose, to no avail. That evening at our motel in Devil's Lake, I used their free wireless internet, our laptop computer, and the ever-helpful Google to investigate.
It was only then that I remembered that our strategic missiles were and are located in North Dakota. I'm not at all proud to have forgotten it. For all its virtues, North Dakota is not an easy place to live, and your duties must have been exceedingly tedious and lonely at times. Yet you performed them with absolute professionalism and faithfulness while the rest of us slept safely in the peace you assured.
I asked about the RSL sites on a discussion group, and a member who served in the military found the URL of your organization and posted it.
Please accept our personal thanks for your service over the years and our best wishes for the success of your reunion.
Mark Kinsler,
Natalie Chieffe,
512 East Mulberry Street,
Lancaster, OH 43130
Mark Kinsler

Home Page>
Lancaster, Ohio USA - Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 23:36:47 (EDT)
The fall of this year is fast approaching. Is there a quarm to have a reunion? What about tours of the facility, can they be included?
George Rasi

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Syracuse, ny USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 22:00:46 (EDT)
I am looking for a Nancy Monroe that used to work at Western Electric. If you know her or know how to contact her, please let me know. Thanks.
Perry, OH USA - Sunday, March 12, 2006 at 20:32:09 (EST)
I was senior LCF Manager at Oscar Zero in the late 70's and early 80s. Any other FMs out there ? ?
Robert Boyd
Patuxent River, MD USA - Monday, February 27, 2006 at 17:02:46 (EST)
I was an MP assigned to Safeguard Command arriving in the summer of 1974 I worked at RSL 3..I stayed until summer of 1976..when I went on to another assignment at Ft. Gordon, GA..It would be great to see some of my fellow MP's again..
Richard Heintz
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 at 22:04:44 (EST)
I'm the webmaster for SRMSC.ORG but am not involved in planning or organizing the reunion. When I have any news from the organizers (Darvin Barnes and John Thompson), I'll forward it on to the mailing list.
Dave Novak
USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 19:59:10 (EST)
I would really like to attend the reunion, but will be unable unless I have definite dates soon. I need to make flight and travel arrangements well in advance.
Don Powers
Don Powers
Tonopah, NV USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 at 10:39:59 (EST)
I hope that the reunion happens this year and that we can get tours of the facilities that still exist. When will we know dates? I have not seen notes by people from the prime contractor Bell Labs......anyone got an idea?
George Rasi

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Camillus, NY USA - Monday, January 09, 2006 at 10:32:43 (EST)
There are several Old Safeguard Army Vets here in the Springs, Joe Morales, Joe Bauer, George Skirka, Wes Olson (most of the time in Florda). Reunion would be great, tough to pick a good time for all, late Jun to middle Jul would work for me (in between hunting & fishing trips). Wayne Wicken & Steve Currie are in ND and probably could be talked into assisting getting things arranged "up there". I have been working Ballistic Missile Defense from the contractor side since I retired in 1989. Tim
Tim Troxel

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Colorado Springs, CO USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at 15:28:12 (EST)
Great idea! A reunion. My last Army Duty Station was the PAR Site in Concrete, ND. I retired from the Army on the 31st of August 1975. I do have a list of the Army personnel that were assigned there with me on the 23 Sep 1974. If anyone needs that list to make contact with them let me know. Thanks!
Robert L. Sykes

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Fort Worth, Texas USA - Friday, November 11, 2005 at 13:37:17 (EST)
My wife and I worked at the PAR site during the building of it we both worked for Pan Am Services. My wife was a sect. in the Trailers as you came into the site and I worked in the Parts room on the 5th floor. There are 3 people in Houston that I know of that worked there they were both with Southwestern Bell and Bell Labs. They are Edward Johnson and Claude Isnard. Any others in Houston we would love to hear from you and maybe have a get together here or if there is a PAR/MSR Site Reunion. It would be great to know of it.
Anthony Kelley
Houston, Tx USA - Thursday, September 01, 2005 at 13:03:03 (EDT)
Hello everyone. I am looking for more information on the NIKE-Zeus ZAR. This site has some excellent resources, but looking for some words from the folks that watched this behemoth work. Would love to talk about it. Drop me an email @ radarman014@aol.com
Ricky Littleton
Orlando, FL USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 01:59:23 (EDT)
I would love to see any of the folks from the MSR or Par sites. I know that Ron and Nanette Rucker live in Alaska and Bill Turner was living in Virginia. Pastor GT Gunhus was the Chief of Chaplains for the Army and a Three Star General to boot. Chaplain Charles Walcot is living in Houston TX and Dr Earl and Judy Lorenzen are raising horses in Alabama. Dr Rotten our dentist lives in Fort Smith Ar. Dee Barnes is an artist in Wyoming. Bill Caldwell was a police officer outside of Pittsburg Pa. I would love to see old friends at a reunion. Us retired folks have all the time in the world and like to travel too!
David A Sobel

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San Antonio, Tx USA - Wednesday, August 03, 2005 at 10:38:21 (EDT)
This is a great website and brings back many fond memories. I was a Western Electric employee in Greensboro, NC working as a PERT analyst and other project management roles. I also coordinated major meetings between WECo and SAFSCOM. I would love to attend the 2006 reunion in ND and would like information so that I can make plans.
Bill Jerome

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Lawrenceville, GA USA - Monday, August 01, 2005 at 19:31:06 (EDT)
May Name is daniel Jorns. And I Work for the Swiss aviatic Magazine "Cockpit" and the German aviatic Magazine "Fliegerrevue" and "Flugrevue" as Freelancer Journalist and Drawer. I searcht in the Web for Informations abaut the Safeguard ABM Complex.I found Jour very good Site over the Stanley Mickelson Safeguard ABM Complex and the Montana Complex! In the year 2003 I have make it Drawings ouver the Safeguard ABM Complex and the Sprint and Spartan Missiles with Numbers and Explanations. Have you interesst for tis Drawings abaut the Safeguard ABM Complex for your Web Site? Ten I tink this is a good complete for your Web Site! A rapid response would be appreciated. Give mi response a E-Mail.Danks!
Daniel Jorns
Langenthal, Bern Swiss - Monday, June 27, 2005 at 09:58:27 (EDT)
My class from Langdon High School is having a 30-year reunion this summer - 06/17-19-05. I have to say that being in school during the 70's was so much fun. We met so many wonderful people and have kept those friendships going for a very long time. I am trying to get a list of all or most of the contractors that worked on the construction and running of the sites. I have come across a couple internet sites but there's got to be more than what's listed in them. I hope many of you make it for the '06 reunion. It will be a BLAST! If anyone has any idea about contractors that were here, please e-mail as soon as possible. Happy Summer. See you in '06
Kathy (Doherty) Downs
Langdon, ND USA - Thursday, June 09, 2005 at 17:46:08 (EDT)
I arrived in Sep 75 as the Ops Sgt for the USACC Element and stayed at the PAR site until Sep 77, the last enlisted member of the USArmy to be stationed there. Cpt John Nichols and I turned the site over to the USAF. The system did go operational for two days in Feb 76. My wife returns to ND every summer, to visit her father and her brother's family in Devils Lake. Maybe I should go with her next year.
John M. Lawrence
Brownsville, TX USA - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 18:10:28 (EST)
I hope plans would include the civilian contractors who worked on this project. I was part of the installation and test of the system for two years prior to its tunrover to the army. The list of involved contractors was amazing. It included AT&T, Western Electric, IBM, Bell Labs, Reytheon, Martin Marrietta to name a few. I would come back. I suggest contacting organizations of retired employes.
Robert Kramford
Naperville, IL USA - Friday, December 24, 2004 at 23:11:20 (EST)
I am Ltc. James K. Spieth. I was a member of the PAR crew when the site was activated. I am not retired from the Army Reserves. At that time I held the rank of Cpt. I was an ERO (Equipment Readiness Officer) for the site. My family and I lived in the MSR housing area. I would be interested in attending the reunion that is in the planning stages for late summer of 2006. However I teach school and our school year starts in very early August. I would like to suggest that the reunion be planned within the time frame from mid-June through mid-July. Thereby others that teach, like myself, would be able to attend. I would be interested in assisting in the planning of the reunion.
Great web site! I check it often.
Have a great holiday season.
James K. Spieth

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USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 13:47:11 (EST)
I have just found your site while looking for information I am seeking for a book I am writing about Nekoma and the Site. Just going thru all this information and pictures brings back so many memories for me. I was a high school student in Nekoma during the times of building, operations and dismanteling. I spent many great times at the site and this is super! Not that I am trying to sell anything but Nekoma is having their Centennial Celebration in 2005 and I am presently writing a book about the time frame from 1969-1980. If anyone is interested in providing me with any information or is interested in a copy of the book which will be out in the Winter of 2004 please let me know! Feel free to e-mail me.
Jay Schmaltz
Rugby, ND USA - Thursday, July 01, 2004 at 14:19:00 (EDT)
I think the most difficult part of this reunion will be getting word to everyone. If there is some way to put a list of addresses of people and expand on the known.
Jerry Smith
Scottsdale, az USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 at 17:26:32 (EDT)
I was thinking of just taking off sometime and making a pass through North Dakota just to see the sights(sites). A reunion would be the perfect reason to do this sooner rather than later. Is the quonset hut(bar) still there in Nakoma? It's unbelievable how much time has passed since I worked in MSR. It would be good to see some old friends there. What types of advertising or methods of tracking groups of people down are being contemplated. There were a lot of contractors, military, native americans, town residents... how should the net be cast to even scratch the surface of who was there?
Chris Behler

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Grosse Pointe Park, MI USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 15:58:33 (EDT)
I am the pastor of St. Edward Catholic Church in Nekoma. If I can help anyone please let me know.
Rev. William F. McDermott
Langdon, ND USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 at 10:34:25 (EST)
Andy H. sent me here. I am getting together with Joe M. & Joe B. to talk about a reunion this Sep/Oct 04 to tweak ARSTRAT about their declaring the curent GMD System "the First Ground Based Ballistic Missile Defense System" Several other old Safeguarders in this area.
Tim Troxel
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Colorado Springs, CO USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 at 17:52:05 (EST)
Wow, it has been a long time. I look forward to a reunion and hope to see some old friends. We just need to get the word out.
John Thompson

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Bowie, Md USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 at 17:05:54 (EST)