7 April 2013
Hi everybody
Seems hard to believe we're coming up on the third anniversary of the reunion this July.
If you enjoyed the reunion dinner theater, the Nekoma Coliseum could now use your help.
The Coliseum is in need of renovations. A fund raising dance will be held there on Saturday April 27 at 8:00pm, featuring 50's and 60's music, a desert bar, raffle, silent auction and the Pain Reliever will have a bar set up. All proceeds will go towards fixing up the Coliseum! If you can't make it and want to help us out, cash donations, raffle items or silent auction items are greatly appreciated. Contact me at (701) 256-2761 for more details on donating items. For cash donations, make your check payable to City of Nekoma and mail to me (address below).
Facebook page for the dance (new window).
No news yet on the unknown winning bidder ($530,000) in the GSA's sale of the MSR complex.
Thanks for your help!
Janet Schill
1400A 3rd St.
Langdon, ND 58249
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