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Off Post Photos
Photo Sources:
0nnn: Anonymous WECo engineer
1nnn: Ves Fulp
3nnn: Denis Abbott
6nnn: Hugh Murphy
9nnn: Don Felten
Cnnn: Chris Craft via Facebook (2)
Hnnn: Herb Chip Stein via Facebook (2)
Wnnn: SRMSC Webmaster

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Cavalier / Langdon Housing
8-plex housing units were constructed in Cavalier and Langdon to provide housing for the large influx of workers needed to build and activate the SRMSC. A mobile home park was also provided. Two of the 8-plex units still exist as apartment complexes in Cavalier.
C025: 8-plexes, winter 1976.
H002, H003: 8-plex construction.
H004, H005: 8-plex construction.
W000: 2002 photo of the only two remaining 8-plexes in Cavalier. They are now used as apartments.
9006: Fishing at Flin Flon, Manitoba.
Left to right: Paul Tudor (WECO), Ves Fulp (WECO), Don Felten (Raytheon), a Canadian friend.
9007: Bob Head's (Raytheon) home in Langdon (July 4th 1974).
9008: Ice racing on the Red River (May 31, 1974).
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