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MSR Missile Support Areas > Photo Galleries > Gallery 2
MSR Missile Support Gallery 2
Photo Sources:
1nnn: Ves Fulp
5nnn: Andrew Tyler
6nnn: Hugh Murphy
7nnn: Historic American Engineering Record: SRMSC
Snnn: Safeguard Lightning Evaluation Summary Report

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7370: Missile launch area as seen from the top of the warhead handling building.
Sprint area left, Spartan area right.
Vertical poles are launch area antennas (LAA's) that allowed the MSR to communicate via its radar beam with missiles in their underground launch cells.
7371: Exclusion area sentry station, warhead handling building, and launch area as seen from the MSCB.
7372: Wider view of 7371 that also includes the universal missile building on the left.
7364: Telephoto view of the universal missile building from the MSCB.
On the far right can be seen the emergency exit tunnel.
The small 'boxes' on top are the ventilators.
7369: Warhead handling building.
Located within the exclusion area.
Equipment entrance in center, personnel entrance to left.
To the right is the emergency exit tunnel constructed of corrugated metal pipe..
7368: Exclusion area sentry station (EASS).
Enforced the "two-man rule" for areas containing nuclear weapons.
Warhead handling building in background on left.
Missile launch areas at end of road in center.
1002: Aerial view of missile launch area under construction.
Sprint launchers lower left, Spartan launchers upper right.
All launch cells covered with temporary covers except for a single Sprint cell at bottom center.
1038: Later aerial view of missile launch area.
All launch cells now covered with tactical (operational) covers.
The two electrical distribution centers can be seen at the left and right of the Spartan launch area. <$
7377: View of 43-foot high midsection of Spartan launch chamber and exhaust duct as it was being prepared for installation.
Photo by Morrison-Knudsen Company and Associates, 1 October 1970.
1042: Spartan launch station under construction.
Launch chamber and exhaust duct covered with temporary covers.
Launch area antenna at right.
7373: View of Spartan silo 'headworks'.
In front center is personnel access hatch leading to launch preparation equipment vault (LPEV).
On right is launch area antenna.
Behind are the two launch cell protective covers, one for the launch chamber, one for the exhaust duct.
Photo by Gerald Greenwood, June 1993.
7374: View into empty Spartan missile silo.
Launch rail is located in the north section of all silos.
At right is mechanical electrical equipment vault.
Top of photo is up, bottom is down.
Photo by Gerald Greenwood, June 1993.
7378: View of Sprint missile silo liners, prior to their installation within the subsurface holes at the missile launch site.
Note the silo liner at right; atop this is the launch preparation equipment chamber (LPEC).
Photographer unknown, June 1971.
1039: Winter view of launch cell / missile installation.
1043: Sprint launch area under construction.
Launch cells covered with temporary covers.
1040: Photo of Sprint launch area in operational status.
1041: Closeup of tactical Sprint launch cell cover.
1035: View into Sprint launch cell before missile installation.
7375: View into Sprint launch cell after site deactivated.
Photo by Gerald Greenwood, June 1993.
6005: Martin Marietta Corp. Safeguard logo
6008: Air supported shelter deployed over a Sprint launch station during site activation installation and test.
6012: MSR missile launch area.
6015: Sprint installation crew from Martin Marietta Corp (MMC) and US Army personnel probably from 1975.
First row left to right:
Unknown (MMC), Frank Mahoric (MMC), Bob Farrel (MMC).
Second row left to right:
Hugh Murphy (USA), Unknown, Carl Sams (MMC), Art Rupard (MMC), Bill Parker (USA).
6016: Hugh Murphy removing Sprint launch cell cover bolts with electric impact wrench, 1975.
6017: Hugh Murphy (left), Art Rupard (MMC) (right), and unknown MMC employee inside a deployed Sprint service vehicle, 1975
We were probably there to install a warhead and a guidance and control section on a Sprint.
6018: Hugh Murphy (left) and Carl Sparks (ARADCOM) in Sprint service vehicle, 1975.
6019: Hugh Murphy (left) and Bob Farrel (MMC quality engineer) in a Sprint service vehicle, 1975.
6023: The last warhead to be removed and shipped from SRMSC.
Kneeling left to right:
Gerry Goodwin, COL Hohsinger, Jerry McDaniels.
Standing left to right:
MP (unknown), MMC Rep (unknown), Boris Ivanoff, Joe Morales, Hugh Murphy, Bill Smith, Chuck Angelo, Roy Foster, unknown, MP (unknown).
Seated on fork lift:
Operator (unknown) from 50th Ordnance.
Winter, Miscellaneous
5007: Missile launch area from the MSCB.
5012: Left to right:
Exclusion area sentry station.
Warhead handling building.
Missile fields.
Universal missile building (partially visible).
5023: Universal missile building.
5021: Exclusion area sentry station.
5022: Sprint launch station.
Winter, Spartan Launch Area
5020: Universal missile building can be seen in background.