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MSR / MSCB / MSPP Photos: Interior
Miscellaneous, Gallery D

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Elevation and Section A.

Entrance tunnel (1975).

MSCB (Missile Site Control Building) level 1 corridor (1975).
Shock isolation facilities can be seen in this photo.
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Photo by John Thompson.

MSCB level 1 main corridor (2001).

MSCB air lock with MP Ellen Peuss (sp?) on duty (1975).

MSCB air lock and MP station (1975).

MSCB level 2 corridor (1975).

MSCB ERC (Equipment Readiness Center) with MP John Thompson at the console (1975). <$
The ERC consisted of an Equipment Readiness Console and large automatic status display panels for all major equipment areas: radar, computers, missiles (including RSL's), and all other major supporting systems. <$
From Dale Whitacre:
The panel just to the right of the scope is part of the phone system. I do remember some of the phone buttons; they were not as much speed dial numbers as they were "Direct Lines" hardwired to other sites: Grand Forks, Minot, and other SAC or NORAD locations. "Push the button and someone always answered, never a busy signal."
The brass colored lights in the backround are key tags, inside key lockboxes (glass fronts). I'm not sure what they all were used for, some were for lock-outs to disable firing, while working in missile cells, some were for security alarms on cells (disable during service). Some even activated motor switches, to move cell covers. Two keys were always required (some locations required three): one from the red missle crew, one from the blue missle crew, and some entry locations, that were alarmed, required the MP's to also bring a key, or combination, and to communicate with the SOCC operator during entries.
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Photo by John Thompson.

MSCB door to room 203 (SRV area) (1975).
The System Readiness Verification operations center contained the SRV control console used by the SRV Officer to exercise and evaluate the system. The SRV system was a separate computer system to evaluate performance of the tactical computer system (DPS) via various program generated simulated threat scenarios. (Description from Clint Esckilsen)
Text of warning message on door.
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Photo by John Thompson.

MSCB interior levels 3 and 4, east corner.
Room #306, former electrical equipment area.
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(HAER ND-9-B-13 03004)
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Video: Antenna feed horn.
Interior view of MSR antenna face.
Feed horn for transmitting/receiving RF signals.
wmv, 00:07 (320 x 240 = 778k) 05012
From A 20-Year History of the Antiballistic Missile Program.

Digital cooling equipment in room 101.

Digital cooling equipment.
More level 2 photos
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BMDOC (Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Center)

MSCB BMDOC (right front) (1975).
MSCB room 207.
Called the "ops center", the Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Center provided the major tactical control of the system. It contained the Tactical Control Consoles for the Tactical and Assistant Tactical Control Officers and the Operations Officer. At the Tactical and Assisstant positions were two sets of key control devices which had to be enabled simultaneously by the two officers in order to allow the system to engage targets. This was part of the Nuclear Surety provided by the system. (Description from Clint Esckilsen)
The top of the status board at the front of the room shows "Missile Status", with columns for "Spartan" and "Sprint", with rows reading "Armable", "Launchable", "Launchers".
Frank Flavell (BMDOC operations Sgt.) has provided many interesting details about day-to-day operations in the MSR/MSCB and BMDOC.
SSG Walter S. Bragg (BMDOC assistant operations Sgt.) is sitting at one of the consoles. (ID'd by Frank Flavell.)
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Photo by John Thompson.

Video: BMDOC engagement exercise.
Activity is shown during an engagement exercise.
From Frank Flavell: In most drills, after you had expended all available rounds, a final incoming would be targeted on the MSR, and all you could do was wait for it to hit. A nice way of keeping us humble I guess.
wmv, 00:42 (320 x 240 = 3.93m) 05015
From A 20-Year History of the Antiballistic Missile Program.

Video: BMDOC facilities.
Console and "flapper board" system status display.
wmv, 00:08 (320 x 240 = 778k) 05005
From A 20-Year History of the Antiballistic Missile Program.

MSCB BMDOC (left front) (1975).
See photo 04008 for detailed explanation.
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Photo by John Thompson.

MSCB command dais with MP John Thompson standing at the commander's console (1975).
The command dais was a raised, glass enclosed area with visibility to both the AADOC (room 209) and the BMDOC (room 207). This area had a special console used by the Safeguard Commanding General to monitor operation of the complex. The curtained window in the background overlooked to the AADOC (Army Air Defense Operations Center) which provided a link with other air defense operations. (Description from Clint Esckilsen)
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(713 x 595 = 78k) Show | Omit descr
Photo by John Thompson.
More BMDOC photos
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DPS (Data Processing System)

DPS consoles (1975).

Video: MSDP (Missile Site Data Processor) area.
MSCB Room 201.
Personnel (with time of appearance):
00:00 Noel Laxdal (red/white checked shirt)
00:07 Ken Weaver
wmv, 00:11 (320 x 240 = 1.09m) 05013
From A 20-Year History of the Antiballistic Missile Program.
More DPS photos
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MSPP (Missile Site Power Plant)

MSPP (Missile Site Power Plant) main corridor on the lower level (2001).

MSPP control room (1975).
Located on the upper level of the power plant building.
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Photo by John Thompson.

Precision motor generators.

Motor control center.

Motor control switch gear.

MSPP prime mover module (photo 1) (2001).

MSPP prime mover module (photo 2) (2001).
More MSPP photos
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Arms Room

Arms room (photo 1) (1975).
Security operations for the MSR complex were housed in one corner of the underground power plant building. The lower level contained the decontamination area, arms room, and operations center; the upper level contained the officers' quarters, enlisted dormitory, day room, dining area, etc.
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Photo by John Thompson.

Arms room (photo 2) (1975).
SOCC (Security Operations Control Center)

SOCC (Security Operations Control Center) (1975).
Located on the lower level of the underground power plant building, the SOCC provided a central monitoring point for the sensors, alarms, and closed circuit TV monitors located throughout the MSR complex.
MP John Thompson (standing) is looking at the alarm status map. If you can identify anyone else in the photo, please
the webmaster.
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Photo by John Thompson.

SOCC alarm indicator board (1975).
Alarm status was indicated on (left) a map of the MSR tactical area and (right) an "exploded" diagram of the MSCB.
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Photo by John Thompson.

SOCC (photo 2) (1975).

SOCC console with MP John Thompson in the operator's chair (1975).

SOCC CCTV control panel with MP John Thompson making adjustments (1975).

SOCC photo showing MP John Thompson (standing at panel), MP Frank Flynn seated at console, and another unidentified MP (1975).
(MP Flynn ID'd by John Thompson).
If you can identify the other unknown MP in the photo, please
the webmaster.
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(740 x 595 = 82k) Show | Omit descr
Photo by John Thompson.

MP's at the SOCC console (1975).
MP on the right is Pat Murphy.
If you can identify the MP on the left, please
the webmaster.
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(655 x 595 = 76k) Show | Omit descr
Photo by John Thompson.
More SOCC photos
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TMRC (Technical Maintenance and Repair Center)

Room 142 technical maintenance and repair center (TMRC).

Test sets in technical maintenance and repair center room 142.