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MSR / MSCB / MSPP Photo Galleries > Interior, Levels 3 & 4
MSR / MSCB Photos: Interior
Levels 3 & 4
Photo Sources:
0nnn: Anonymous WECo engineer
7nnn: Historic American Engineering Record: SRMSC
Innn: Clint Esckilsen via Facebook (3)

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Equipment platform
0020: Equipment platform from above.
0018: Unit 4001, heat exchanger, SF6.
0019: Unit 4003, control monitor, SF6.
0021: Unit 4002, pumping unit, cool, SF6.
0022: Unit 4055 ind. rate of flow, left.
0023: Unit 4056 ind. rate of flow, right.
7346: Former electrical equipment area.
Third and fourth floor interior, showing east corner.
Room #306.
0027: Crawl space between the outside of the anechoic chamber and the inside of the MSCB sloping antenna wall.
I025: Fourth floor mezzanine - 2 ton crane. <$
More Level 3 & 4 photos
(each gallery opens in a new window)