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MSDP (Missile Site Data Processor)
DPS Photo Gallery
MSDP (Missile Site Data Processor)
Photo Sources:
0nnn: Anonymous WECo engineer
1nnn: Ves Fulp
Cnnn: Chris Craft via Facebook (2)
Dnnn: John Delebo via Facebook (2)
Vnnn: A 20-Year History of the Antiballistic Missile Program
Wnnn: Webmaster

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V001: Tactical (deployed) MSDP.
Personnel (with time of appearance):
00:00 Noel Laxdal (red/white checked shirt)
00:07 Ken Weaver
V002: Prototype MSDP.
Meck Island, Kwajalein Atoll.
MSDP electronics area, room 201
0065: Consoles (foreground), digital racks (background).
0056: Consoles (foreground), status control & display board (background).
0058: Closeup of status control & display board.
Consoles, status control & display board.
0067: Digital racks, DPS test set front left.
0059: DPS test set.
0075: Digital racks.
0049: Digital rack, variable store 1.
0051: Digital rack, cabinet open.
0073: Digital rack undergoing checkout.
Tape handler room, room 243
0082: Wide angle view.
Disk drives (left of support column).
Card readers and line printers (foreground).
Tape drives (along back walls).
0084: Another view of unit record and tape equipment.
0083: Tape unit control panel.
Mini computer, room 201
??? What was its function?
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