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Remote Sprint Launch Sites > RSL Photo Galleries > RSL #3 Gallery B
Gallery B
Photo Sources:
7nnn: Historic American Engineering Record: SRMSC

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RSL 3 Gallery B
Located northeast of the MSR (near the PAR).
16 Sprint launchers.
7480: View from just inside the entrance gate.
7481: LASS with sally port at left.
7482: RLOB.
7483: Tunnel entrance leading into RLOB.
Photo by Gerald Greenwood, June 1993.
7486: View of pneumatic control panel regulating entrance to waiting room #116.
The panel activated the pneumatic cylinder for opening and closing of blast doors #116 and #118.
A rotary air motor actuated locking and unlocking of the doors.
Photographer unknown, 1 September 1974.
7484: Interior of remote launch operations building, room unknown, demonstrating the result of salvaging operations.
Note the ceiling tiles have been removed.
Photo by Gerald Greenwood, June 1993.
7487: View of remote launch operations building, power generation room #124, showing no-break units NB-1002 (A) and NB-1001 (B).
This equipment consisted of a 150 horsepower, D.C. operational motor which drove, on each end of the extended shaft, a 70 kw generator and a 30 kw generator unit.
It was designed to provide continuous power service for launch equipment.
Photographer unknown, 1 September 1974.
7485: View of remote launch operations building exterior (southwest corner), prior to earth mounding.
A,B,C, and D are heat exchangers HX-1102B, HX-1102A, HX-1101B, and HX-1101 A, respectively.
The heat exchangers transferred heat from the cooling water to the outside air during the normal operating mode.
On the far right is the air exhaust shaft.
Photographer unknown, 1 September 1974.
7491: EASS (right) and launch area (left).
7492: Sprint launch cell.
Cover was marked "INERT" after site deactivation.
Photo by Gerald Greenwood, June 1993.