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MSR Admin/Housing Areas Photo Gallery
Misc. Gallery 1
Photo Sources:
0nnn: Anonymous WECo engineer
5nnn: Andrew Tyler
7nnn: Historic American Engineering Record: SRMSC

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7383, 7384: H Building.
Installation headquarters during construction (area engineer's offices).
7384 shows the H configuration.
0103: Dispensary.
0102: Chapel just after construction.
7388: Chapel, later photo.
7389: Gymnasium.
7390: Community center.
"Hitching posts" (for connecting engine block heaters) can be seen in the parking lot.
7507: Administration building (headquarters).
Community center can be seen in far left background.
7508: Polar telephone building.
7385: Industrial building.
Far right doors lead to vehicle service and maintenance bays.
7333: Limited area sentry station (LASS).
All traces of the sally port on the left side of the building have been removed.
MSCB can be seen on left.
0104: WSC office space (trailers).
Open water storage reservoir.
5005: Admin area from the MSCB.