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MSR / MSCB Photos: Exterior
Miscellaneous, Gallery 3 (Scott Murdock photos)
Photo Sources:
Scott Murdock's 2013 trip report
North in November (new window)
(GSA tour for prospective SRMSC buyers.)
Copyright © 2013, Scott D. Murdock. Used with permission.

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MSR turret (left), power plant stacks (right)
MSR turret closeups
S036, S037: Emergency exit door from MSCB level 3
S034: MSR turret face (one of four)
Three lightning arresters protrude from the top of the structure.
The phased array antenna at the center contained more than 5,000 array elements, was 13 feet in diameter, and weighed
over 400,000 pounds.
The smaller antenna array located to the lower right of the main array was the Q-channel antenna. Its purpose was
to reject or "blank" signals received on the array sidelobes (portions of the antenna response pattern not contained
in the main beam).
The pipes and nozzles around the perimeter of the antennas were the antenna washdown devices. Their purpose was to
wash and/or de-ice the antenna face/elements with a cleaning/de-icer solution.