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Montana PAR > Montana PAR Photo Galleries > Gallery A
Montana PAR Gallery A
Unless otherwise noted, photos/video by
Steve Petrizzo, 11 Oct 2004.

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Gallery A
Aerial and distant views.

High altitude photo showing PAR site after restoration (1997).
The PAR building is in the center. The open water reservoir is on the right, with the closed reservoir just below it. There is no trace of the power plant or heat sink.
(393 x 295 = 36k) Show | Omit descr (004923)
(800 x 600 = 72k) Show | Omit descr
From TerraServer.

<$ Aerial photo showing PAR site after restoration (1974).
This view looks east. The open water reservoir is in the center of the photo, with the closed reservoir just to its right.
From Robert L. Bleecker, Jr. regarding the larger of the two auxiliary buildings (in the foreground): One of the metal buildings that used to sit on a large pad just West of the PAR was purchased by Toole County School District number 14 and put to use as the Vocational/Agricultural building to the North of Shelby High School in Shelby, old Alma Mater, as it were. The art rooms, wood and auto shops as well as the band rooms are now housed in this metal building. It is about...75 ft wide by 150 ft long if my guess is correct.
(461 x 295 = 042k) Show | Omit descr (002925)
(899 x 575 = 129k) Show | Omit descr
From History of the Huntsville Division.

Distant view from the southwest.
(0393 x 0295 = 0035k) Show | Omit descr (004855)
(0793 x 0595 = 0135k) Show | Omit descr
(2048 x 1536 = 1107k) Show | Omit descr

Distant view from the south.
(393 x 295 = 031k) Show | Omit descr (004854)
(793 x 595 = 122k) Show | Omit descr

Closer view from the south.
(393 x 295 = 034k) Show | Omit descr (004853)
(793 x 595 = 137k) Show | Omit descr

Distant view from the northeast.
(393 x 295 = 035k) Show | Omit descr (004852)
(793 x 595 = 125k) Show | Omit descr

<$ Video: Distant view from northeast, antenna wall, and east wall.
mpg, 00:09 (640 x 480 = 3.2m) 004863

<$ Video: Distant view from northeast, antenna wall, panning to view north.
mpg, 00:07 (640 x 480 = 2.4m) 004864

Distant view from the north.
(393 x 295 = 040k) Show | Omit descr (004851)
(793 x 595 = 142k) Show | Omit descr

Water storage facilities seen from level 2 of the PAR building.
The closed reservoir is in the center, the open reservoir to the left of center.
(393 x 295 = 034k) Show | Omit descr (004842)
(793 x 595 = 102k) Show | Omit descr