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Both (Sprint & Spartan Gallery 1)
Sprint & Spartan Gallery 1
Both (Sprint and Spartan Gallery 1)

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05002v :
Video: Spartan and Sprint launches.
Explosive charge opens Spartan launch station doors.
Closeup of Spartan leaving launch station.
Distant view of Spartan launch.
Distant view of Sprint launch.
wmv, 00:13
(320 x 240 = 1.26m) 05002
From A 20-Year History of the Antiballistic Missile Program.

04061 :
<$ Sprint and Spartan missiles in the same photo taken at the Air Defense Artillery Museum, Ft. Bliss, TX. (Dec 2006)

05014v :
Video: Warhead delivery.
Delivery of missile warhead via helicopter from Grand Forks AFB.
wmv, 00:15
(320 x 240 = 1.47m) 05014
From A 20-Year History of the Antiballistic Missile Program.

04530 :
Spartan and Sprint missile models.
Located at the White Sands Missile Range Museum.
(214 x 320 = 20k) Show | Omit descr (04530)
(469 x 700 = 55k) Show | Omit descr
Photo by Larry Bell